Allright, last post, I promess... :^oTom wrote:Thats the biggy.
Because after he was hit by Rosberg on the front left wheel Montoya's car lost the back and started to spin clockwise, as any normal car would do under these circumstances.
Montoya corrected to the left to avoid hitting the german "apprentice" with the entire car (this is, with the left rear wheel). He barely managed to drive it parallel to Nico "Don't give up" Rosberg, before their wheels touched. Revise the sequence given by zac, or better, the video.
zac510: you can win if you put the fault on Rosberg, of course.

I give up. The poll is 12 to 13 right now, even after I voted 12 times to blame Rosberg. This is unfair.
Now there is even a thread stating that only because Montoya has blew himself out of the race about 114 times he is not as good as Fangio. I despise those guys...