I know there is already a dedicated thread for this - but I think this potentially could lead to a heated debate and discussion that it would steer the RB8 thread clear of any productive discussion - so I set this up separate so that thread remains healthy - and it'll be easier for the mods then.
For the purposes of the discussion - let's define the A-spec as the car they had from launch - all the way through to Day 2 of Barca 2. By extension - B-spec will encompass the iterations of the car from the penultimate day of testing - and through to the current Melbourne spec, even with the slight exhaust upgrade.
Someone brought up the point a while back that you could compare this with the Lotus E20. The Lotus E20 today was the quickest Renault-powered car - and thus a good comparison for chassis design. Lotus seem to have just knuckled down and refined their design and packaging - which ironically seemed quite the Red Bull philosophy of the RB5-6-7 lineage. The Red Bull has always been about refinement in those years - and aside from adopting McLaren's f-duct; and using their exhaust to blow the diffuser - hasn't had any "gimmicks" so to speak. And as someone (I can't remember who) on this forum pointed out - the E20 wasn't doing (much?) funny with their exhausts.
With the B-spec they seem to sort of have gone the other way - they seem to have sacrificed packaging refinement for what would probably be a bit of a "gimmick" in trying to use the exhausts as such.
I'm no expert - but the packaging - and the airflow management around the previously-shrinkwrapped sidepods - would have taken a hit with the B-spec, no?
It seems to me almost as if they were gambling on something that they thought would perhaps push them a step back but then pull them two steps forward. In a way - losing a bit of their packaging benefit (1 step) - while gaining the benefits of the exhaust as from this B-spec car (2 steps).
While not being an aerodynamicist - I would have almost been inclined to put the exhausts in a place where it wouldn't make the car throttle-sensitive. Sometimes a drivable car is better than just a flat out fast car, IMO.
What do you all think? Informed opinion is welcome.