he did 3 races in motor bikes and crashed in the fourth one and he did that at 2008 after 2 yrs ...and how does motorbikes relate to f1 cars?megz wrote:To be fair Schumacher was actually racing motorbikes and doing a fair bit of karting if I remember correctly.siskue2005 wrote:There is a differencesriraj1031 wrote:people who were talking about kimi's speed have their tail between their legs i suppose. he is driving pretty well within himself but still scoring points, thats' pretty good for a F1 returnee, comparing the great schumi comeback, he doing way better i suppose
Kimi never stopped racing he was racing some beasts in WRC for 2 years
Schumy was just sitting in his Swiss mansion for 3 yrs and 1 or 2 f1 tests in 2007 thats it!
and fair bit of karting? is 'fair' a number?
All he did was some karting here and there with kids ....maybe one or two a yr
and the ROC he did every year
all in all MS didnt do any competative racing with professionals in his 3 years absence!