The American Enterprise Institute is essentially a "chamber of commerce." The positions they take are almost always skewed in favor of big business. I thought it better to point to a group for whom opposition to seemingly business-friendly initiatives is out of character. There are countless other resources available from groups expected to be against such public subsidies.strad wrote:The article seemed very biased to me.
You are aware F1 isn't the only racing series that will be running there, right?xpensive wrote:This is what has puzzled me, would anyone in his right state of mind invest 300+ MUSD of his own money on a racing track,
while thinking he could be making money when dealing with MrE, that smart or that stupid?
You don't have the patience to "correct" me, but you have the patience to write a paragraph making you look like a toolbox. Great posting there, skippy. Either tell me where I'm wrong or back off.bhallg2k wrote:@thearmofbarlow
I'm sorry, but I just don't know how to address you anymore. You clearly have no earthly idea what you're talking about, and your comments thus far have amounted to little more than frantic hand waving that has no basis whatsoever in reality.
I've been polite for as long as I care to be, and I simply don't have the patience to correct you. However, I suggest that you actually read about and research the Major Events Trust Fund - not just the Cliff's Notes - before you authoritatively claim to know what it entails, because frankly, your "thoughts" on the subject make you look like a fool.
Right, holding a number of minor events in order to pay off MrE, great strategy that, how stupid of me...thearmofbarlow wrote:You are aware F1 isn't the only racing series that will be running there, right?xpensive wrote:This is what has puzzled me, would anyone in his right state of mind invest 300+ MUSD of his own money on a racing track,
while thinking he could be making money when dealing with MrE, that smart or that stupid?
xpensive wrote:Right, holding a number of minor events in order to pay off MrE, great strategy that, how stupid of me...thearmofbarlow wrote:You are aware F1 isn't the only racing series that will be running there, right?xpensive wrote:This is what has puzzled me, would anyone in his right state of mind invest 300+ MUSD of his own money on a racing track,
while thinking he could be making money when dealing with MrE, that smart or that stupid?
When I'm under the impression that the Cota-management has a rather limited knowledge of F1 and its popularity in the US,munudeges wrote:Always very suspicious of people supposedly putting up vast sums of their 'own' money.
Again, I'm afraid that Cota think they can make this event economically viable by pricing and issuing tickets accordingly?WilliamsF1 wrote:Do GPs generally have 5000 paddock club tickets?