Contentious topics always bring out the passion and you two are both passionate and smart. Me thinks you were both married in a previous life
My ideas, are just that, ideas. I'm happy to put them out and I know some (most) will be slammed and ridiculed. I certainly doubt anything will ever come of them, or agree if they should they even be considered in the first place? F1, to me, has been very much like Darwinism - evolution and the strongest survives. I liked that concept. Perhaps that's the real meaning of 'Purist' - I don't know. What I do know, is that this topic is widely read and is now quoted in major publications. The term 'Purist' is used in almost all major F1 news sites - so this topic is very relevant, has merit and has people reading.
We could all try and counter every mis-quote about ourselves - however I don't think it's required. Most people get the 'context' of what this thread is discussing and will look past any irrelevant posts. For those that just get hung up one one part and spend the next 20 posts trying to bash a point - we cannot change this and nor should we, they are entitled to their opinion too, no matter how un-helpful it is. Take the higher ground, not the bait.
For me, if F1 is to continue with evolution (like it has in the past), then one must look way into the future to see what it may evolve into. This may bring up some arguable results, but we should at least discuss them. Could F1 eventually be hover cars racing around? Perhaps. I for one would love to see F1 pushing the boundaries first and worrying about costs second.
My sole argument is to ensure F1 stays with evolution - not reduced to a show only. This will have consequences, I realize.
I am yet to see any convincing arguments for F1 to be 'just a show'. Most posts claim costs as the reason (I have started a new thread for that) and boredom, and I don't think that's a valid argument as costs can be curbed and other implementations can be made which keeps the tech, while increasing the show.
So maybe the better question is - Should F1 continue, even if it means loosing the tech, becoming a very restricted series and just badging the cars?