You are not obliged to leave space while actually taking a corner, ESPECIALLY if you actually have the line through the corner and you don't have to drive through a car to stay on it. Which is why people usually do most of their positioning during the braking and corner entry phase.canfan wrote:Ummm, LH's wheels were on the red and yellow rumblestrips at the left edge of the track. PM was alongside (ahead, but let's not quibble) going into the corner. So where did Hamilton leave the room? I'm still very confused.
Also, in other circumstances maybe PM has not been patient enough, but he was only going to have one more opportunity after this go at the prime passing location of the race.
Hamilton literally won the corner through the braking and entry phase (which is where the room was left) as Maldonado didn't have a line to get past Hamilton at any point which is ultimately why he ended up off the track. He refused to back off and insisted on pushing even when there was nowhere to pass on the track.