Could have fooled me, look's more like Tennessee Ernie Ford to me?Pup wrote:Actually, that method isn't unusual for retaining walls. The only question I have is how well they'll hold up over time to the expansive soil they have on site. They may actually be using this method to allow the wall to move.
Possible, but I'm not sure I buy it. You'd never have a drain grating that wide on pit lane, and if the grate isn't as wide as the sloped concrete, then it isn't doing anything but moving the bottom of the drain. Plus it looks in the photos I just posted that they've covered over the sloped concrete.ckilger12 wrote:the sloped concrete in the pitlane is for drainage, it will be hidden, it is being done like that to maximize water runoff and undegrround drains....
"And It Stoned Me"?bhallg2k wrote:Personally, I'd go extremely obscure and make a Van Morrison reference. But, that's just me.
Hey, I can contribute...Pup wrote:The other problem is that they are working in sections and the guys are building to their plumb poles, which is why the finished walls look like they have vertical expansion joints in them even though it's a stacked wall.
xpensive wrote:Seriously, that image mystifies me, are those guys erecting a wall or xcavating a quarry?
Exactly. I'd talk about a Jelly Roll and then sheepishly giggle as I imagined the reactions of those reading it. I'm very easily amused like that.Mr Alcatraz wrote:"And It Stoned Me"?bhallg2k wrote:Personally, I'd go extremely obscure and make a Van Morrison reference. But, that's just me.
The "Belfast Bad Boy"bhallg2k wrote:Exactly. I'd talk about a Jelly Roll and then sheepishly giggle as I imagined the reactions of those reading it. I'm very easily amused like that.Mr Alcatraz wrote:"And It Stoned Me"?bhallg2k wrote:Personally, I'd go extremely obscure and make a Van Morrison reference. But, that's just me.