HAHA, fantastic, LMAO, you just fell straight into the trap!!!renaults are basic, very uninteresting cars which have nothing whatsoever to do with a drivers car, theyre purpose is to provide transportation from a to b. you dont buy a ferrari, bmw or a mercedes solely for transportation, they are also indicators of charachter, status and personality to some degree, and provide fun to o certain degree when driven
See I've worked on all these cars, well not Ferraris, but I can assure you that they are all the same! They all have the same basic sub-frame, engine, drive train, drakes steering etc, from Renault to Ferrari, the only difference is the body work and badge. Heritage is no longer important, all secrets are out, it doesn't matter who invented the system 30 years before the rest, even Kia's have disk brakes and power assisted steering now, so frankly get over yourself, if you want to spend much more money on an equaly unreliable (because they all break) so similar it doesn't matter BMW over a Renault then go ahead.
As for fun, have you ever raced a Clio? I can assure you that the plucky front wheel drive can be as much fun as a merc on the track if you do it right, learn to left-foot brake, you'll soon see you can get as much 'ass-out' and if you buy a car for your personnal status, you need to be slapped across the forehead with a kipper considering the money you waste.
Well thats my rant, enjoy.