Post here all non technical related topics about Formula One. This includes race results, discussions, testing analysis etc. TV coverage and other personal questions should be in Off topic chat.
biplaneblues wrote:Hi all, I'd like to share a little video project I've just finished, a moving infographic of all 60 years of F1 Chassis animated together...
You were also featured in the Technology section of Pulse news! It's a collective news app the millions of people use, so you should be proud well done!
I've been thinking the last few days about your video, when I said it is better than most production studios I was referring to the production graphic segments I see on racing broadcasts, the concept is better than many of the US car makers print and internet content. Don't be afraid to send CD copies to all car shows and to the ad agencies producing content for road cars. If that is a little too expensive ( postage here in Canada costs a night with your girlfriend and both legs) send a cover letter - not a CV - but about your enthusiasm and passion for racing and road cars - highlighting your internet video and blog - you would be surprised how hungry media is for the creative - offer yourself as a consultant (Production, Post Production and Print). If printing and licking stamps is too much trouble - send an email to the fore-mentioned and Human Resources. If my suggestions sound too fantastical - keep them in mind as you produce more videos and content - remember my free advise for the future. I've started several people into careers - doing things, they initially thought impossible or at the very least improbable and something they were incapable of doing.
Edit - I wrote without reading previous page 2 posts - your video certainly has 'traction' - proof positive of excellence -include a list of the sites that have featured your work - if you should send out consultant submissions.
Did you notice my avatar, that car was called the Brabham Biplane. I think that was '67, Pier Courage, 2.5L, raced in the down under, off season Tasman Series.
Hey Carlos, I really appreciate that. Its a big boost that you think it could have legs, I didn't expect it to get picked up quite as much as it has. And thanks very much for the advice, lots of good stuff that I will be taking on board.
Jersey Tom wrote:I recently picked up one of their Bamboo tablets just to get my feet wet. For as much as I've dabbled in graphic design over the years I never really did the tablet thing until recently. I like it.
If I ever upgrade, I'll make note of the Intuos.
I bought the intuous outright... barely use it though.
I wish it could have been a little slower, though. I know F1 is all about speed, but if you were to stretch it out by -say- twenty seconds or so, it would allow the viewer to "get in the groove" and take it all in.