beelsebob wrote:Various teams argued that it would involve making the exhaust pipes too long, and seriously harm the reliability and power output of certain engines.raymondu999 wrote:I remember they had a proposition where the exhaust would exit behind the rear axle and behind the rear diffuser. Does anyone remember what happened to that proposition?
You're right, you're not great with engines – exhaust pipes have to be tuned so that an exact number of wavelengths of exhaust gas fit down them so that they don't a) massively drop the power output of the engine b) shake the car appart. They're also massively more optimal at a set number of waves in the pipe at any one time (which IIRC depends on the engine). This is far from BS.thearmofbarlow wrote:beelsebob wrote:Various teams argued that it would involve making the exhaust pipes too long, and seriously harm the reliability and power output of certain engines.raymondu999 wrote:I remember they had a proposition where the exhaust would exit behind the rear axle and behind the rear diffuser. Does anyone remember what happened to that proposition?I'm not terribly brilliant when it comes to engines but I do know BS when I see it. If an extra two feet of pipe causes your engine to explode chances are it should have been built better to begin with.
yes it would, but they were placed to be aerodynamically neutral, to allow for cleaner airflow in 2008, it was exploited before 2009 however due to no off throttle effects it was too unstable for the cars and it unbalanced them when the driver was off the throttle, Image of pre-2009 blown diffuserSlife wrote:Would any of the solutions that uses exhausts work with 2008 aero cars ? And if so, why was that avenue never explored before the 2009 seaeson ?