I find it very strange that Renault have come over it so quick. It's always the easiest way to say "they took it from us and now we're not as good". Germany wasnt about the dampers, Hungary was the team's fault and Turkey was good to them. So excuse me, but I dont see where the big lose was.
Well with the mass damper gone Renault have to get the car re-optimised to work without it, continuing to whinge and complain won't help matters, that's probably why they have gotten over it "so quickly". Nobody said Germany was about the dampers (well at least I didn't) Alsonso & Renault were just plain off the pace. Turkey worked well for them until about 15laps form the end yes your right.
So excuse me, but I dont see where the big lose was
I think your misunderstanding what I have grievance with. Its not the loss of the mass damper. Alone I don't really care about it. Its a cumulation of circumstances that I dislike:
1. The FIA knew about, and legalised the mass damper in 2005
2. The mass damper was outlawed right during the test ban, in the middle of the season for a VERY suspisious interpretation of the rules.
3. The mass damper is banned on the grounds its a moveable aerodynamic device, whereas the wheel frizbees aren't
Thats the problem I have. I think I should also make it clear that on the basis of "Moveable aerodynamic device" i think BOTH should be allowed. The rule about moveable aerodynamic devices exists to outlaw parts which are intended to decrease drag as speed increases (Flexi-Wings, Cockpit Adjustable Wings, Flexi diffusers etc etc etc) The wheel frisbee does not contraveen this rule, it DOES however contraveen the rule about the wheel being made of a single homogeneous material...but then again IS IT part of the wheel? yes and no. Its a grey area. I say LET IT STAND.
The MASS DAMPER however, was outlawed on the basis it's a moveable aerodynamic device, because it moves and effects the cars pitch sensitivity which inturn effects the aerodynamics. Common you've got to admit this is a very shaky link? It (unlike the wheel frizbee's) never comes into contact with the airflow! So with regards to what the rule is there to prevent i doesnt contraveen the rule.
THAT is what my problem is, how two devices, one is potentially (but not really) illegal with regards to that rule, the other is quite clearly not. But only the latter is banned. I just want to see a fair playing field and I personally believe if both, or neither, and been banned this would still be the case.
It just seems Ferrari have been allowed to bend the rule more than Renault.
Alonso's move wasnt clean. If he hadnt cut the chicane he wouldnt have passed Heidfeld
I agree and as such should (under the OLD rules) be punished. BUT, after Schumi's move in Hungary which seeminly everybody complained about the FIA "clarified" the rule stating that (basically) if the car has track position before the corner, both go off, the move is legal. Or some such nonsence. I don't believe that should be the case. BUT the FIA have made it so, and I was pleased to see Alonso didn't get a penalty because Schumi didn't at Hungary. HOWEVER, I think both moves deserved a penalty as both were similar and in my mind shouldn't be allowed.
About the data - you can be more than sure that the teams are collecting data of rival teams, far behind what you might think.
Oooh that's what yu meant, I though u meant other teams were veiwing rival teams telemetry data. No i agree there's an element of espionage, but the FIA have access to all the telemetry which other teams do not. I'm sure no other team could read the data needed to clarify if one car had been impeeded by the other. (Maybe a reading on front end aerodynamic load is nessecary - i dunno).
Martin Luther King and Mandela stood firmly behind their belief and never downplayed them as jokes (are you even serious to match them with Flavio?).
I realise that Mandela and Martin Luther King are completely different to Flavio and I stated that in my post. However the point is that Flavio has the right to say what he wants. We live in a democracy. I can call George W. Bush a mindless monkey if I like, I could call Max Mosley a fool who has no idea what he's doing as proven by his pathetic CDG wing, and they cannot punish me as I am allowed by human rights to voice my own opinion. Flavio too should be allowed to. And if he says he was joking then how can we PROVE he wasn't? we can't. Just like we can't 100% PROVE MS stopped deliberatly at Monaco quali (even tho the data points to show he probably did...only Schumi knows 100% if he did or didn't).
Most of the "half" of the grid and Martin Brundle has background and interest that doesnt make em very objective. After all, MS and Ferrari beat the --- out of them for almost a decade.
What and you don't think Alonso and renault beat the --- out of them last year? (with the excpetion of Kimi & Mclaren of course, and MB who wasn't drving last year obviously) I see the point you are trying to make but that the end of the day I see no reason as to why half the grid would side with Alonso over Schumi if Alonso wasn't hard done by. That the end of the day they are ALL rivals, and don't really want to have to pick sides for either, so if they DO, then you know something is up.
Just to be clear - I am not sure that it was the right thing to punish Alonso. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have no doubt that he impeded Massa, but he couldnt move over or else he wouldnt be able to complete another lap
I completely agree. And I believe he probably did impeed massa, BUT how was he to know. I think his penalisation for impeeding him is redicuous, as the rule is there to prevent drivers blocking, not to have drivers accounting for the laws of physics. So next time in quali how much room do we have to have between each car Max? Lets do what they do in the Air Traffic Control and have all the cars circulating a pre-determinded didstance appart. Its completely stupid to suggest that Alonso's time should be taken because the laws of physics state that the wake of his car will effect massa's.
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.