marcush. wrote:siskue2005 wrote:why not a direct swap between Schumy andd Massa?
Schumacher is MGP -nothing else .
What would Rob Smedley do when Massa is shown the door? will he move with Massa-given he finds a new team in F1-as Massa without Smedley seems to be not a complete package.But where to go ? Who could afford him finaancially and taking the risk of him not being competitive? It´s hard to tell if Alonso is such good or Massa has lost it
From what i understand, Smedley will move when Massa moves and Ferrari will take who ever Massa is replaced by their Race Engineer. Let him go and move on from Germany 2010 and the end of 2009 as that was bad for Smedley as well. Unless they go for someone that isnt in F1 at present. If Ferrari were wanting a slash and burn hot shot for a year they may go with Bianchi or Valsecchi, someone who could be quick enough to keep up with Alonso but also someone who they could cut loose after a year for Perez. A slash and burn i think could be a better option for Ferrari than keep Massa.
The list of drivers wanting into F1 in 2013 are as follows:
Geideo Van Der Garde
Davide Valsecchi
Felipe Nasir
Luiz Razia
Max Chilton
Jules Bianchi
Sam Bird
Robin Frijns
Alexander Rossi
Jerome D'Ambrosio
Jamie Alguresauri
Dani Clos
Valteri Bottas
The sad thing is there will only be about 3 or 4 of them make it.
Chilton to Marussia i think is on.
Van Der Garde to Caterham i also think is on.
Nasir i think will go to HRT.
Razia i think will be STR bound.
I think Vergne, Kimui, Nairn and Petrov will all be dust next year. Vergne and Kimui need race results to keep their seats. Senna will depend on results as well, but could end up somewhere with his money!