I certainly hope so, mind you, they hid their Monaco pace rather welln smikle wrote:The car is fine. They are sandbagging. Trust me on this one folks.
I not so optimistic about that maybe they are sandbagging or constantly running on higher fuel load however I'm not so sure about them repeating the pole lap they had in Monarco maybe just a little bit faster and closer to the front this time.zyphro wrote:I certainly hope so, mind you, they hid their Monaco pace rather welln smikle wrote:The car is fine. They are sandbagging. Trust me on this one folks..
Diffuser maybe, rear wing is actually pretty goodAdamski wrote:As what I have read about the Coanda effect and this type of exhaust, it could be a big help for the Mercedes W03. But the other side of the coin is that a little mistake can lead to a big blow in terms of performance.
After only a bit more than 1000 km, how we could wait from the team, that it will work on a totally different track, on a totally different layout and in a totally different atmosphere. I think they are gone wrong whit it's fine tuning now and it kills their tires even more when they run their previous exhaust layout.
But since we know Mike Elliot is in the team, it's visible that most of the car's main aero devices were redesigned or upgraded. I think only the diffuser and the rear wing is still too simple compared to the top teams. Wait and see if they will come up in these areas with something new to make full use of this Coanda ---.
Great pic, with the added cascades and the change in profile of the main plane near the support they were def trying to generate more front end downforce...they have obviously found enough rear downforce to justify that.Joie de vivre wrote:They did try new cascades
Then, I am mistaken. Actually I tried to delete my message, but couldn't succeed. I don't mind if sb delete my messageismail1991 wrote:Following closely button, he couldn't open the drs. He wasn't going slow. I think he was trying to make a lap time; nevertheless this is a superior strategy in this circumstances.