Greetings everyone! I've been frequenting this forum for the few years I've been an F1 fan for information and I just now decided to sign up.
As an American (from NYC) I'm pretty excited for the upcoming USGP but I have my reservations. My skepticism is aimed primarily at to the circuit itself. It seems like the designers tried too hard. I feel they' wanted to make an instant classic. Trying to include aspects of many famous tracks, Istanbul's turn 8, Suzuka's S turns, Montreal's straight after the hairpin, Spa's elevation changes etc. What makes a great circuit is it's uniqueness. What's not unique is creating a frankenstein or jack of all trades circuit. Drivers and teams may grow to dislike this layout when they realize it asks the car to do a bit of everything.
Though unlike many of the new circuits you see today, it (COTA) in a weird way does feel unique when you consider the entire package. It's got a very "Texan" and NASCAR flavor to it. Big, open, wide unapologetic and brash. Perhaps this is more due to the local culture more than anything, or maybe it's just those two long wide straights.