darren heaths new blog post

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darren heaths new blog post


http://www.darrenheath.com/season/2012/ ... en-fold-em

wow I cant believe someone granted with the privilege of photographing f1 weekends would come out with such a post ...

I'ts almost as if the biggest trolls from all the f1 forums have been placed into one mind

Jersey Tom
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Re: darren heaths new blog post


In the F1 paddock it’s a fact that – rightly or wrongly – many believe that Schumacher has rarely raced in a ‘legal’ F1 car.

One could put this down to a number of factors [...] Ferrari’s bespoke Bridgestone tyres (suspected of having grip and endurance levels way beyond those of Schumacher’s rivals, and of being wider than ‘allowed’ at the front)
That's worth a good laugh.
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Re: darren heaths new blog post


snoop1050 wrote:http://www.darrenheath.com/season/2012/ ... en-fold-em

wow I cant believe someone granted with the privilege of photographing f1 weekends would come out with such a post ...

I'ts almost as if the biggest trolls from all the f1 forums have been placed into one mind
He's a massive troll. I'm actually dissapointed he didn't mention Austria 2001 & 2002, at the very least. However, do take a look at the pics, they're really good and worth your time, especially if you're into photograpy. That's why they "allow" him to picture F1 the whole year long, it's a symbiotic relationship.
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Re: darren heaths new blog post


what is driving brits to these sort of behaviour?
Would this help diResta get into MGPs second seat? I´m almost sure this is whatSchumacher is facing inside MGPs....Fry as one example leading the witch hunt...?

No .constantly outqualifying rosberg is nothing... qualy only counted when Rosberg was quicker....Schumacher had illegal cars ..but deCesaris, Brundle ,Patrese,Herbert,Lehto,Verstappen,Irvine,Barrichello,Massa had the same and were all highly rated before encountering Schumacher ..Rosbergs star also starts to dull a bit...

That is really insane and not worthy of a real great photographer ..

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Re: darren heaths new blog post


these people tend to ignore the times when schumacher would steal his team mates car and still perform as expected.
claiming schumacher had advantages in his car his team mates didnt is pure fantasy

the only advantages he had over his team mates were stratergy during the race and not having to move over (which happened very rarely anyway)

you cant even claim he has testing opetunities his teamates didnt because if you look into the data barrichello did far more testing miles at ferrari than schumacher did

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Re: darren heaths new blog post


Schumacher was driving and Winning Championships against:
he did this over a very long time consistantly and he surely not always had superior material but still won .He obviously lost the first championship for Ferrari simply due to braking his leg in silverstone....and lets face it ,he did not always be very lucky in championship deciding times.

One has to admit the 1994 title was not really earned without controversity anbd he received a lot of well deserved flak for it .
But not once in his first career one could say his teammate was really a match for him....with the golden exception of Martin Brundle who clearly was slower in Qualy but had such a well honed racecraft already to be able to challenge schumachercome raceday.

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Re: darren heaths new blog post


marcush. wrote:Schumacher was driving and Winning Championships against:
To be fair, he didn't win championships when driving against Senna, Prost or Mansell. He also didn't win against Villeneuve while at Williams (and seriously, the BAR was never a contender at all).

Schumacher is a great driver, but he was given so many advantages, both by Briatore and later even more by Todt at Ferrari, that his career has a big shadow over it. Although I have come to respect him more in his second career for being a little less arrogant, his often over-the-edge racing will always create a sour taste in my mouth.

And of course, Darren's blogpost is just a blogpost, an opinion on the internetz. I don't really see how his opinion influences his capacity as a photographer.

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Re: darren heaths new blog post


marcush. wrote:what is driving brits to these sort of behaviour?..
Excuse me?

I rarely post these days but felt the need to after reading this. Brits? Is that only have reading one F1 fan's (and photographer's) post?

Why the generalisation? Is it really needed and even warranted?

Also, not worthy of a great photographer? He was writing a blog, not taking a picture. Being good at photography does not automatically make you great at writing blogs, or having a perfectly balanced opinion. Likewise, having great communication abilities and balanced opinion does not make you a good photographer.

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Re: darren heaths new blog post


marcush. wrote:constantly outqualifying rosberg is nothing...
Constantly? 8-6 is closer to 50/50.

constantly would be De la Rosa, Hamilton, Alonso etc.

Both have one win, one pole and i think one podium each (i.e. second-third place)
Rosberg though has more then twice the points.

Sure he´s had 5 technical failures, but also 2 accidents, Rosberg has been flawless.
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Re: darren heaths new blog post


Funny that Rosberg -for the past 3 years- have almost always achieved his best results at the start of the season. I wonder why :wink:
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Re: darren heaths new blog post


Nando wrote:
marcush. wrote:constantly outqualifying rosberg is nothing...
Constantly? 8-6 is closer to 50/50.

constantly would be De la Rosa, Hamilton, Alonso etc.

Both have one win, one pole and i think one podium each (i.e. second-third place)
Rosberg though has more then twice the points.

Sure he´s had 5 technical failures, but also 2 accidents, Rosberg has been flawless.
Right- wrong words from my side -but Rosberg this year rarely made it into the top 5 (China -Monaco)

I prefer Schumacher trying compared to flawless Rosberg cruising home in 13.Maybe this is just a matter of my inferior taste.

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Re: darren heaths new blog post


snoop1050 wrote:http://www.darrenheath.com/season/2012/ ... en-fold-em

wow I cant believe someone granted with the privilege of photographing f1 weekends would come out with such a post ...

I'ts almost as if the biggest trolls from all the f1 forums have been placed into one mind
Funny, he writes very well; better than most "journalists." That was an entertaining read.

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Re: darren heaths new blog post


marcush. wrote:what is driving brits to these sort of behaviour?
I have to question this also. I think that many people outside of Britain assume that the British people feverishly and blindly support anything British. (Much like Tifosi / Italy / Ferrari, and pretty much NOTHING ELSE EXISTING EVER :lol: ).

How very incorrect. I would suggest that there is an equal number of British people out there that care very little about where someone or something comes from, and far more about what they like or don't like.

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Re: darren heaths new blog post


Hangaku wrote:
marcush. wrote:what is driving brits to these sort of behaviour?
I have to question this also. I think that many people outside of Britain assume that the British people feverishly and blindly support anything British. (Much like Tifosi / Italy / Ferrari, and pretty much NOTHING ELSE EXISTING EVER :lol: ).

How very incorrect. I would suggest that there is an equal number of British people out there that care very little about where someone or something comes from, and far more about what they like or don't like.

I apologise to have used too coarse a brush in this and should have wrote british media .I was well aware the media bribe does not really give a proper picture what britain does think.
Sorry again -this was not my intention.

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Re: darren heaths new blog post


Tomba wrote:
marcush. wrote:Schumacher was driving and Winning Championships against:
To be fair, he didn't win championships when driving against Senna, Prost or Mansell. He also didn't win against Villeneuve while at Williams (and seriously, the BAR was never a contender at all).

Schumacher is a great driver, but he was given so many advantages, both by Briatore and later even more by Todt at Ferrari, that his career has a big shadow over it. Although I have come to respect him more in his second career for being a little less arrogant, his often over-the-edge racing will always create a sour taste in my mouth.

And of course, Darren's blogpost is just a blogpost, an opinion on the internetz. I don't really see how his opinion influences his capacity as a photographer.

You make me laugh ..wasn´t it Villeneuves decision to go to BAR ? How is this Schumachers fault? Villeneuve had a 3 points advantage to Schumacher before he was removed from the Championship table btw... The year after Villeneuve scored how many points for Williams? Schumacher lost the title to Hakkinen in the last race...

Guys ..i might be a Schumacher fanboy ,but what you are coming up to diminish his achievements is just laughable .Schumachers rise and some Championship wins were surely fitting the bill of a lot of people but the shear dominance that developped at ferrari around him was something special and making him special.
so you are entitled to dislike him , no issue with this I never was a Schumi fan in his first career tbh.I respected him for his dedication and speed ...
But to say he did not deserve this is just nonsense .Villeneuve had 2 really good years ,as did Hakkinen to support their talent and then their stars waned already but Schumacher had more than 10 years at the top that´s hardly coming by chance.