marcush. wrote:Mclaren is a OEM these days and they are spitting in the garden of BMW,VW,Mercedes to name a few.Yes -it´s not uncommon to see Mercedes engines in Nissans and Renault engines in Mercedes but don´t you think it creates more chaos to
actually run a commercial competitors engine to build your own fame ?
Ultimately Mclaren needs to build their own powertrain -simply because they already do this with their roadcars.They need to prove they are the experts in every area -and powertrain is a key field of expertise.
Just look up the Mclaren electronics website and it is blatantly clear they are commited to go the WHOLE route.They have their own development tools in place -comparable to INCA (ETAS) which is used in the rest of the world -a ver unique situation unmatched by DAimler ,VW or BMW methinks..
Mclaren may be the single team actually feeding racetechnology back into commercial car production - a clever move to lure potnetial customers to buy a Mclaren.
Yeah I agree. Hamilton's desire to move is more indicative of the potential for McLaren to NOT have a Mercedes engine in 2014.
However Bernie is claiming to try and kill the 2014 engine regs. If that happens McLaren won't be building their own engine I fear.
The new regs actually favour smaller engine manufacturers because of lot of the expertise can be bought from current OEM's and consultants like Ricardo. Its a simpler package, even if it may cost more upfront, the cost benefit will only be realised by season 2015 or 2016 and by then it will be attracting a lot more than just Mercedes, Ferrari and Renault.
McLaren's decision to build their own engine will have a lot do with a decision to retain or can the new engines.