Ciro Pabón wrote:There are several companies that develop small diesel engines, if you find reasonable to buy a car and sell (and buy) the original (and "biodiesel") engine:
- Yanmar: smaller engine they produce, 219 cc (13 cubic inches). They have a line of variable speed engines that give you 22 hpon 854 cc
- Eastern Tools and Equipment: 300 cc and 400 cc for generators, lawn mowers and compressors.
- Kubota Engines: they go as low as 480 cc. Their 720 cc version delivers 19 hp.
I have no idea if these engines can run on "recycled cooking oil". and have search features that allow you to find small diesel engines.
I would like to remark that the diesel small engines presented do not offer precisely an "ecological" power ratio. A dual (or tri-al) natural-gas/ethanol/gasoline Nissan engine, like the one I have, delivers almost 5 times the power at less than twice the displacement. However, biodiesel can be cost effective in your area.
By the way, I looked around for how much "grease" we can recycle into cars, like zac510 wants to do, and had not success/time. Has anyone stumbled on a paper on recycling oils for cars?
What I did find was an extremely interesting paper on ethanol (joseff, if you read this, I was wrong about the Hectares of crop needed per car, there you'll find the numbers). Reading about it, I found the discouraging remark that diesel engines cannot use ethanol. Is this true?
As I always say, you have to look at the big picture when you think about the most "wise engine", and I always
offer the example that hydrogen cars contaminate more than gasoline cars, because they use coal/hydro produced electricity or hydrogen made from normal oil, whose actual production is a chemical mess.
You know, when I buy a car, being a "relative cynic", I am not worried about the planet, I am more worried about my family, thus I choose my car mainly based on present economics. Only when I work as consultant for the government do I think about my grand-grand children...
Ciro i hav eseen quite a few cars using fryer oil from what i undersand any disel engine will burn the stuff as long as it dosent get to cold.
And to Carlos to answer your question
we laugh at canadians and the french some times the british