Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get ideas?

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Re: Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get idea


krisfx wrote:Guys at red bull had no idea it existed (Aero guys)
Had no idea what existed? The dead zone?

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Re: Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get idea


The forum is quite good in revealing the latest aero developments of the different cars.
I don´t think a home based engineer has much better access to pictures filtered already car for car and chronologically and comparisons as well..It is a source of competitorts information- benchmarking if you want to call it that ways--as you should not have a be much better access to what others are doing.

They be fools not to look let others wade through the picture sites of Sutton or nexgen etc.... :wtf:

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Re: Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get idea


marcush. wrote:The forum is quite good in revealing the latest aero developments of the different cars.
I don´t think a home based engineer has much better access to pictures filtered already car for car and chronologically and comparisons as well..It is a source of competitorts information- benchmarking if you want to call it that ways--as you should not have a be much better access to what others are doing.

They be fools not to look let others wade through the picture sites of Sutton or nexgen etc.... :wtf:

We have dozens of people here fanatically watching every small change on cars, essentially doing alot of work the teams have to do. They will be checking most definitely the F1 cars topics, checking if they didn't miss anything. There also will have much less figuring out to do because the forum members do that already.

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Re: Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get idea


I would suspect F1 engineers as well as the senior adviser to a certain deputy race director are watching the Formula 1 cars section.

Amouzouris (spelling) has some great insights in his blog which I believe has received quite a few hits from various people :P
If someone said to me that you can have three wishes, my first would have been to get into racing, my second to be in Formula 1, my third to drive for Ferrari.

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Re: Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get idea


I'm quite sure all the reverse-engineer journalists (Scarbs, Somers, and our very own Amorous Z) get visits by most teams. In the same way that 2 heads are better than 1, 603 heads are better than 600... One of these guys might have just caught something that the aero department has overlooked

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Re: Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get idea


raymondu999 wrote:
krisfx wrote:Guys at red bull had no idea it existed (Aero guys)
Had no idea what existed? The dead zone?
F1T sorry for the vague reply, was on the way out.

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Re: Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get idea



Certainly, they must be watching threads like this. I posted an idea on Feb 2nd, 2010, about exhaust-blown diffuser and maybe Red Bull's Adrian Newey got inspired from my post!! 8)

exhaust to diffuser/rear wing

darn, I am good!!

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Re: Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get idea


No idea about the engineers and FIA, but I'd bet heavily that the tech pundits, at least Ted Kravitz browse about. Mostly I figure this because generally, when watching his broadcasts after some controversial features appears on a car, he says something like "what's not understood is whether x or y", and options x and y are typically the exact two options for how it might work being discussed here.

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Re: Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get idea


That reminds me, what ever happened to F1_eng does he still lurk about here?
Saishū kōnā

Red Schneider
Red Schneider
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Re: Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get idea


They're smarter than us, guys. Get over yourselves. :wink:

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55

Re: Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get idea


maybe they think they they are smarter -that´s a bit dangerous....In todays world the power of the web is just nothing anyone can ignore or think he can do without.
Just start a google search about anthing remotely technical f1 and you will see posts from f1t at the very top of the hits listings .So anyone searching the web using google will be aware of this very site.
F1 engineers not using goole search ? Not very likely ,don´t you think? If they actively search this forum is on another page
but certainly they should have in earlier days when there was quite a bit of milk on the table.

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Re: Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get idea


Red Schneider wrote:They're smarter than us, guys. Get over yourselves. :wink:
Who? The F1 engineers or Ted Kravitz? :lol:

I have a killer Idea for 2013, think of Double DRS and F-duct but sneakier.. I will post after the season is done.

Racing Green in 2028

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Re: Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get idea


At least two or three posters have worked for F1 teams or are currently working in f1. Otherslike Jersey Tom or gixxer drew work in professional motorsport.
twitter: @armchair_aero

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Re: Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get idea


krisfx wrote:Guys at red bull had no idea it existed (Aero guys)
RB people tend to only post on forums when they are winning and it would seem their posts are often closely monitored or atleast have been in the recent past , even on forums where f1 was only a sub forum hidden away.

I dont think he reads this forum and im not sure what his job is but he was at the RBR party posting pictures of newey doing doughnuts on horners lawn and recently said he was waiting at the factory for a front wing or whatever it was to be ready because he was going to drive it all the way to spa through the night for webber.

hes how i got the trophy cabinet picture before webber posted one on his twitter to :lol:

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Re: Do F1 engineers or FIA officials surf forums to get idea


Red Schneider wrote:They're smarter than us, guys. Get over yourselves. :wink:
I worked for a major motorsport engine supplier, before I moved back to Ireland, and believe me, some were not so smart.
