BBC: F1's Greatest Driver

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Re: BBC: F1's Greatest Driver


mnmracer wrote:The complaining on the radio is pure politics.
Either you want to race in the wet, or you don't. It's quite clear, where would the "politics" be?
mnmracer wrote: Did Alonso not jump right back in the car after his 2003 Brazilian GP crash, taking a podium just a few weeks later?
Did Vettel not jump right back in the car after nearly losing his finger in FR3.5, winning both races in F3 a few weeks later?
Put Alonso and Vettel in a 50s/60s/70s or even 80s death trap. After having had the shunts you mention, had they survived with all limbs intact and not burnt to death, they may have a very dim view of returning to the cockpit. And if they did, they would be a very different driver altogether.
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Re: BBC: F1's Greatest Driver


I reckon it will be:

3.Gilles Villenuve
2.Juan Manuel Fangio
1.Ayrton Senna
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Re: BBC: F1's Greatest Driver


FoxHound wrote:I reckon it will be:

3.Gilles Villenuve
2.Juan Manuel Fangio
1.Ayrton Senna
Gilles is nr 12 on the current list...
Who else is there then?

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Re: BBC: F1's Greatest Driver


Ahhhh my bad.

In that case Jim Clark.
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Re: BBC: F1's Greatest Driver


haha i knew it :lol: Hill will be in top 3 alongside Senna and Fangio ...... Murray Walker is a joke =))) and few people call him a legend ](*,) i know these top's are based on emotion but how can you let outside top3 the guy who won 7 WDC :wtf:

probably part of the British(not all just Jordan Hill Walker Coulthard and few more) would like Schumacher to lose all 7 championships maybe he doped like Lance :mrgreen:
Last edited by clipsy1H on 23 Oct 2012, 14:55, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: BBC: F1's Greatest Driver


oh my,i remeber 1 race,not sure what year.but alonso was crying on radio,it imposible to drive.and he was on inters,i meen like what.why he not go to heavy wets,instead of raceing on semis,in the rain, thats not politics,just stupid.if alonso whould of been alive back in 1950,he would of cryed so much,of bugs getting in his teeth,he would never have made it.

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Re: BBC: F1's Greatest Driver


This article is written by Andrew Benson, what can we expect ?
Again typically anti-Schumacher biaised argument :

"- Schumacher had a number of advantages from which probably no other driver in history has benefited for so long. "

Really ? What are this advantages ?

"On top of those already mentioned was arguably the greatest of all - bespoke Bridgestone tyres effectively custom-made for Schumacher himself. "

Most unbelievable argument ever. Schumacher has never been so strong that with the standard Goodyear slicks tyres, or 1998 grooved.
And this could only being worth from 2002 to 2006, in which :
1. Ferrari had the best car in 2002 and 2004, regarless of the tyres. Put Michelin tyres to this car, and Schumacher would have comfortably won both titles.

2. Ferrari was nowhere in 2005 mainly because of Bridgestone. Michelin was utterly dominant.
And in 2003 and 2006 Michelin dominate in number of races, the warm races in 2003, the wet races in 2006 and so on.

" That era spanned the gap between the end of the Senna/Prost years and the dawning of a new age with a depth of talent and opposition far richer than Schumacher had to face. "

First of all : pretty personnal. No one knows what the young of today would have done in the early 90' alongside with Schumacher's generation : Frentzen, Alesi or Hakkinen for example.

Secondly : "Then, when the likes of Fernando Alonso and Kimi Raikkonen arrived in the early 21st century, they only rarely had cars that could challenge Schumacher and Ferrari."
2003 Kimi had, 2005 both had far better car, 2006 Alonso had. 3 years out of 4, not that "rarely" Mr Benson.

"Regardless, Schumacher at his peak would have been a challenge for the best of any era. "
translate in Mr Benson hand as :
"Schumacher at his peak would have been too much for the best of any era. "

But then the transition is done :

"His combination of blistering pace, metronomic consistency and dubious morality was a potent mix indeed. "

What has to do the so called "dubious morality" with Schumacher' genius ?

Then the conclusion is about :

"His generally underwhelming performances ended with him being forced into retirement by Mercedes' decision to sign Lewis Hamilton. And they have ignited a debate within F1 about the advantages Schumacher had at his disposal, and how in that context his career should be judged. "

A typical Benson biased conclusion.

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Re: BBC: F1's Greatest Driver


why do they call it BBC-f1 greatest drivers when it´s obviously Bensons favorites list? Everyone is entitled to his own Benson himself wrote on twitter .I guess Schumacher could not care less...he will not lose any of his titles .

Roll back time and think about Sennas doings with Prost.
Maybe one could also question their titles when they had utterly dominant machinery at their disposal winning all but one race -and that was lost only due to a hashed lapping of Schlesser going wrong... :roll:
who said a journo is not allowed to be blind and biased....if morale and ethos was the benchmark for greatness -then onle Clark ,Villeneueve and Petersson would remain ,perhaps?

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Re: BBC: F1's Greatest Driver


like Federer will not reach top 3 greatest tennis players ](*,) I'm also pleased that Benosn placed Michael on four :lol:

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Re: BBC: F1's Greatest Driver


i read this earlier today and it made me smile as i had predicted as much.

its a stupid list probably everyone here would place drivers in diferent positions. memorys and opinions change with time so comparing drivers from different eras is dumb. schumacher could only fight and fend of the competition he has had. i remember for all those years watching a master behind the wheel doing things that were thought imposible. i remember his brother ralfs expression many times seing schumacher set fastest laps like wtf htf lol. really thats all that matters. the beeb should never have started this list in the first place.

they are putting opinion forward as fact, we will never know as to who was best. the only thing that can be said for shure is that each person on the list is or has been great champions.

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Re: BBC: F1's Greatest Driver


One can think anything about Schumacher but him not making into top-three is an embarrassment for all the people he won titles from. A decade of being consistently beaten by #4 driver...

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Re: BBC: F1's Greatest Driver


With only three left, I will go with:

1. Clark
2. Senna
3. Fangio

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Re: BBC: F1's Greatest Driver


clipsy1H wrote:haha i knew it :lol: Hill will be in top 3 alongside Senna and Fangio ......
Why on earth would Hill be on the list, especially when Clark hasn't appeared yet?

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Re: BBC: F1's Greatest Driver


Its called the "safe" list.

A British journalist can never acknowledge a German athlete. Never happened, ever. Probably never will.

Clark and Senna both died at the wheel so that makes them demi gods to the hardened fan.
Fangio, well no one can argue against Fangio. It would be like calling for F1 to be banned. The top three in any of these lists is pretty much going to be sealed due to those biases.
These list are compiled emotively, not based on facts.

and its designed to elicit response and sell papers, tv time and magazines, get website hit rate up, keep twitter active and we the fan falls for it everytime.
Our own desire to be heard played against us to suit a commercial objective

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Re: BBC: F1's Greatest Driver


wow andrew benson still trolling as usual...
the whole article comes across as nit picking and searching for reasons why schumacher isnt an all time great.

vettel enjoyed a dominant car for all of his championships and hes already #8 ?
schumacher gets points taken away because he worked hard to enjoy a dominant ferrari? makes almost no sense

must be hard for benson to write an article with schumzacher #4 when in his own view schumacher probabaly wouldnt be on the list at all.
alonso was crying on radio,it imposible to drive.
alonso tends to do this whenever hes in the lead or hes set the fastest lap so far in quali if you didnt notice