[quote="TheBaverianBasterd"][quote="Cam"][quote="Red Schneider"]They're smarter than us, guys. Get over yourselves.

'Smart' people don't ever overlook any sources of information or inspiration. F1T is, arguably, one of the finest free, openly available sources for F1 related technical information, including photos, diagrams, theories, ideas, speculation and much more. If an F1 team didn't look in here regularly, they would be limiting themselves in so many ways.
Hello to all the teams! Love what you do.[/quote]
Don't fool yourself into thinking F1 engineers come here looking for ideas Cam. Active engineers don't have time to be surfing the web looking for some magic bullet on an internet forum. It's nice to think they do, but not quite a reality. If you're putting in 16-20 hour days, somehow I don't see it happening.

And I guess that's where creative people differ. Whether they actually do or not wont be proved until facts are shown, however my mind simply won't be closed that anyone could look in this forum for ideas and inspiration. Just because a few of you don't, doesn't mean you automatically write off thousands of engineers and associated personal that possibly could. It's that kind of narrow mindlessness I can't see occurring in a creative and idea driven environment.