Glance at speedometers to enter corners at the right speed?

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Re: Glance at speedometers to enter corners at the right spe


I do play several instruments too - so I know what you mean about the metronome - though I personally hate using one! :lol:

If you can imagine it - the shift notification beeps rise in tempo until at the shift point they become a long continuous tone. Obviously as you control the rev limit via the ECU you can also change the tone pattern to the new shift point.

Joined: 29 Feb 2012, 12:41

Re: Glance at speedometers to enter corners at the right spe


So its a collection of beeps? rising in pitch/amplitude until the correct time? thats interesting, i only ever thought this would be a single beep!

It does make sense now, as IR intercept missiles use the same method in military scenarios... its all dependent on distance, so instead of waiting for a visual queue (kinda looking at a rev counter) as the distance decreases to the threshold a sound gradually increases in pitch and amplitude and then becomes solid... it is wonderfully intuitive, and makes perfect sense for f1 :)

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Re: Glance at speedometers to enter corners at the right spe


mzivtins wrote:So its a collection of beeps? rising in pitch/amplitude until the correct time? thats interesting, i only ever thought this would be a single beep!
It's like your car reverse beeps. It goes beep... Beep... Beepbeep... Beepbeep... Beebeebeep... Beebeebeep... Beeeeeeeeeeeep

It's like the lock on tone if you've ever played a military flying game - when you lock your radar onto the enemy just before you shoot a missile.

Sorry for the childish explanation - I didn't know how else to put it. :lol:

Jersey Tom
Jersey Tom
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Re: Glance at speedometers to enter corners at the right spe


Cam wrote:For example, you could play a staged countdown of tones 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 that is in sync with the speed and position of the car relative to the breaking point of the corner.
How would it know the braking point? Will probably be different on lap 2 than lap 1 and all subsequent with how much the tires go off. Not to mention some challenges with accurate position determination and update at that rate of speed.

Besides, the drivers are already doing this. They know where their marks are, and will adjust accordingly as track conditions (green vs rubbered in), ambient conditions, tire conditions, and traffic dictate.
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Re: Glance at speedometers to enter corners at the right spe


raymondu999 wrote: It's like your car reverse beeps. It goes beep... Beep... Beepbeep... Beepbeep... Beebeebeep... Beebeebeep... Beeeeeeeeeeeep

It's like the lock on tone if you've ever played a military flying game - when you lock your radar onto the enemy just before you shoot a missile.
Do all cars/drivers use this system? I think I heard an explanation where it sounded to me like they just have one beep, and they move the beep X rpm in X gear based on the drivers' reaction times - say the beep would probably be ~50 rpm before the limit in 7th gear, but in second it would be much further back to account for the faster rising revs.

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Re: Glance at speedometers to enter corners at the right spe


Its a single beep 200ms before the optimal RPM to take into account a humans average reaction time

Jersey Tom
Jersey Tom
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Re: Glance at speedometers to enter corners at the right spe


snoop1050 wrote:Its a single beep 200ms before the optimal RPM to take into account a humans average reaction time
Don't think you'd need it, or that it would make a difference. It's already being anticipated, rather than a surprise event. Reaction time deals with the unanticipated.

For example the "catch a ruler between your fingers" reaction time test... if you do it by yourself, there is zero reaction time - you're already anticipating it.
Grip is a four letter word. All opinions are my own and not those of current or previous employers.

Joined: 22 Aug 2010, 14:08

Re: Glance at speedometers to enter corners at the right spe


Jersey Tom wrote:
snoop1050 wrote:Its a single beep 200ms before the optimal RPM to take into account a humans average reaction time
Don't think you'd need it, or that it would make a difference. It's already being anticipated, rather than a surprise event. Reaction time deals with the unanticipated.

For example the "catch a ruler between your fingers" reaction time test... if you do it by yourself, there is zero reaction time - you're already anticipating it.
But as it's not the drivers doing the beeping they do have to react to the beep, don't they? Obviously the reaction time for something expected is less than something unexpected - but there must still be some time from the beep to the driver's fingers pulling the paddle.

Jersey Tom
Jersey Tom
Joined: 29 May 2006, 20:49
Location: Huntersville, NC

Re: Glance at speedometers to enter corners at the right spe


I'll summarize as follows: I don't think there's any hindrance right now in the drivers hitting the right shift points or marks.

Personally I'd much rather have unobtrusive lights on the wheel in the driver's vision rather than constant beeping in the ears.
Grip is a four letter word. All opinions are my own and not those of current or previous employers.