Is it just me or are some of you guys also getting a bit annoyed with the attitude or "emotional wall" Kimi displays in terms of his career.
God bless the man, but I have to say that I will support Alonso next year, rather than Kimi(eventhough i supported Kimi in Mikes absence). I find that Kimi is getting just a bit too "i dont give a shizznit"'ish!
He a character, thats for sure, but acts like a dick towards and with his engieers, team bosses and the media and everyone in front of cameras basically, which is my honest opinion is getting a bit annoying.
I respect the "I dont really want to worry about the media thing and only race", and only wants to win, but then why is a race win when it comes along not special to him? I just dont get it.
I am of the opinion that you can always do more to be able to be a championship contender, and frankly, I dont see Kimi winning a championship (again) against Alonso or Vettel, even if their cars are equal, never mind Lewis.
Its as if Kimi does not appreciate what he has in terms of a life, day-job, and his talent, which makes me mad, cause lets face it, most of us would give our left nut to be able to just have a drive in a F1 car, let alone do it for a career.
I dunno, its getting a bit annoying to me.
What you guys think?