Kimi Care Free Attitude

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Re: Kimi Care Free Attitude



Many of us thought the same when Luca signed Kimi. Kimi's personality and the way he handles things just doesn't work so well for the Ferrari culture. Ferrari has always preferred a driver who can not only just drive the car at the peak level, but also be the backbone of the whole Ferrari team. They have always preferred a clear leader who can push the team together to success. Schumi did that and Alonso is doing that. Whereas Kimi seems to believe in "My job is to drive and the engineer's job is to design a good car". However his current stint with Lotus seems to be going well. Dunno whether he has changed his approach or the team seems to believe in the same moto that Kimi does!!

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Re: Kimi Care Free Attitude


banibhusan wrote:@f1316

Many of us thought the same when Luca signed Kimi. Kimi's personality and the way he handles things just doesn't work so well for the Ferrari culture. Ferrari has always preferred a driver who can not only just drive the car at the peak level, but also be the backbone of the whole Ferrari team. They have always preferred a clear leader who can push the team together to success. Schumi did that and Alonso is doing that. Whereas Kimi seems to believe in "My job is to drive and the engineer's job is to design a good car". However his current stint with Lotus seems to be going well. Dunno whether he has changed his approach or the team seems to believe in the same moto that Kimi does!!
I completely agree with this mate.
I for one thought that the guy that should have replaced Michael in 2007 already should have naturally been Alonso, as they were pretty much the same type of racing driver. Think Alonso would have had 4 titles by now at least.
Kimi was never going to be that type of guy. Maybe Ferrari thought he could be, but Kimi had other ideas.

Dont get me wrong. I like him, think he is super quick, especially earlier when he was with Mclaren. He is very different from anyone else, even from Mika and Heiki. Guess thats why he is Iceman

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Re: Kimi Care Free Attitude


banibhusan wrote:Many of us thought the same when Luca signed Kimi. Kimi's personality and the way he handles things just doesn't work so well for the Ferrari culture. Ferrari has always preferred a driver who can not only just drive the car at the peak level, but also be the backbone of the whole Ferrari team. They have always preferred a clear leader who can push the team together to success. Schumi did that and Alonso is doing that. Whereas Kimi seems to believe in "My job is to drive and the engineer's job is to design a good car". However his current stint with Lotus seems to be going well. Dunno whether he has changed his approach or the team seems to believe in the same moto that Kimi does!!
I've had the same thoughts for many years now. I always thought that Kimi wasnt the driver Ferrari needed. Atleast back then there used to be talk about this "Ferrari family", and i dont think Kimi ever really fitted, or wanted to fit into that. Massa did, and IMO that gave him an advantage inside the team.

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Re: Kimi Care Free Attitude


I agree with this and I think that it will, ultimately, make the difference between him being a good, world champion, driver and a real great. If he had taken a different attitude he might well have taken consecutive titles, stayed on for 2010 and possibly taken another.

If he and Lotus are happy with him, then that's great. But he didn't fit at Ferrari and I doubt he'll get another world championship, which is a shame considering his natural speed.

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Re: Kimi Care Free Attitude


f1316 wrote:I agree with this and I think that it will, ultimately, make the difference between him being a good, world champion, driver and a real great. If he had taken a different attitude he might well have taken consecutive titles, stayed on for 2010 and possibly taken another.

If he and Lotus are happy with him, then that's great. But he didn't fit at Ferrari and I doubt he'll get another world championship, which is a shame considering his natural speed.
If Mclaren didn't fail on him, like they failed on Hamilton the last years, he would have had at least two more WDC.

But you have a valid point that if RAI could combine his pure talent with the "team-attitude" from the likes of Alonso, you'd have an insane combination, with even more titles. In terms of natural talent he surpasses everyone on the current grid, but in terms of a total package there are better drivers.

And to be honest, Ferrari is Ferrari. Raikkonen didn't fit Ferrari, but a LOT of others drivers also didn't fit with the team. I don't think there are a lot of ex-Ferrari drivers who are particularly positive about their Ferrari-days.

To return on the subject, I'm a big Raikkonen-fan but if I'm honest it also bothers me a bit how Raikkonen is in the media. I completely understand his feelings towards the media and all of the politics, but as a pure spectator it's quite exhausting to listen and handle with him. He quickly gives the impression of being an uninterested prick, who doesn't care about anything but himself, but in reality the entire team is very positive about him and his results and he cares about this team.

I think it's a matter of overall perception, because when you see or hear Raikkonen in an environment outside of F1, he's a completely different -drunker- character.
"I race to win, and if you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver." - Ayrton Senna

Joined: 04 Mar 2009, 16:04

Re: Kimi Care Free Attitude


i think Lotus and Kimi are a good match though and i could see in the future him winning the championship with them. He didn't like his time at Ferrari, that's obvious. But he still got a title there.

He came back into f1 on his terms and what suited him. Lotus have taken and accepted that because there getting a good driver. You look at Lewis talking about his off track commitments he has to do, i bet its nothing like that for Kimi. His obviously happy with the way it is else 100% he wouldn't of extended his contract.

I get the feeling Lotus know to get the best out of him is to let him get on and do the racing (we saw the result of that this weekend). I bet his just as committed at the factory with the car - just not the 'off track, non-racing' stuff.

If Lotus can make him at top car next year and still keep Kimi interested and happy they'll be a up there

Joined: 20 Feb 2012, 12:36

Re: Kimi Care Free Attitude


Websta wrote:He is every "cool" racing driver stereotype rolled into one really. But if you have ever met him in person, he is a genuinely nice guy - I think it was Ray who had a great story about chasing him down the paddock for his autograph. His media persona is not his real persona.
Heres ray getting the autograph

Joined: 13 Mar 2012, 23:34

Re: Kimi Care Free Attitude


I don't think saying that "Kimi can't be the backbone of a team because he's not pushing the team" is entirely fair on Kimi. There are lots of stories around of how he did in fact tell Ferrari what he wanted from the car, they just didn't take him seriously because he didn't keep going on about it over and over again. We all know that is something that Alonso does do. I know I'm tired of hearing the same story from the Alonso/Ferrari camp over and over and over again about how they're not fast enough.

There was an interesting quote from Alan Permane about the steering issues Kimi has had this year in one of the Autosport magazines. He said that they are still trying to improve it for him, although it's a bit on the backburner at the moment because he's got something he can drive with and they had to put efforts into bigger performance enhancing upgrades. But he also said that they can't forget about it, just because he doesn't complain about it all the time. It's feedback he did give them on an issue that they have not quite got to the bottom of and they will need to work on it.

Essentially, if Kimi was a manager, you'd say he has a hands off approach: he'll tell you what's wrong and expect the people whose job it is to fix it, to do just that. But he won't go chasing after them to make sure they do; he'll expect that they want to do what's best for him because that's what's best for the team results and that means fixing the issues he's raised without the need to chase up. Manager-Alonso will tell you what's wrong, go back to his desk and send you an email to remind you what he told you and then call you to ask if you received his email and reiterate that he does need it fixed. I think the reason why Kimi is gelling better at Lotus than he did at Ferrari, is because at Lotus went in expecting this. At Ferrari they weren't really set up for that sort of driver.

As far as Kimi's attitude toward the press goes, I don't care. Much as I "need" the press to get the information I want, I very much detest how there is very little unbiased, straight-facts reporting. If you want to follow F1, it seems you have to either enjoy gossip, sometimes to the point of slander, or develop a very good bullshit-filter. So I can very much see how some of the drivers really don't enjoy being forced to talk to the press and having at least one of them call them out on the bullshit questions they ask, is refreshing if not always politically correct. I can see how that can get old. But then I'm still ok with it because I don't think being a "fan" of Kimi's includes watching and reading every single interview he does. Let's face it, if you've seen one (per race, or two races perhaps), you've seen them all. And that goes for all the other drivers as well ;)

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Re: Kimi Care Free Attitude


I don't know if I completely agree with the notion that being a team leader effects results. To assume that Ferrari require this type of driver is just based on the fact that they had an obsessive character with Schumacher for so long. It helped their image as a dominating team, but from my admittedly outside perspective on team workings, I haven't seen Alonso's meticulous approach make the car better than Red Bull's. The driver's job is to drive flawlessly and give pertinent feedback. Other than that I think the team leader image is more for the benefit of the media than the team. It might help morale at the factory if the driver is buoyant after a win, but I bet they care more about the position they end up in, because they know their contribution. Granted, I understand Alonso is adored at Ferrari, but in terms of results, he has yet to surpass Kimi, so... I just think its a basically intangible contribution, like hundredths versus tenths :wink:
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Re: Kimi Care Free Attitude


I remember another driver who just told the team what he wanted ...make the car as fast as possible ...and I will drive it like that

whatever they came up with , he got the best out of it ..faster than any other driver could

his name was jim clark
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Re: Kimi Care Free Attitude


It has been an enjoyable season, lots of on track action, multiple winners (teams and drivers), it all makes for good entertainment. I think Kimi is a good alternative to the more PR focused drivers and his return has been better then Mikes.

Much respect for the talent in the cockpit, spokes models are soon forgotten, but great drivers will live on in history.

Joined: 06 Apr 2009, 04:46

Re: Kimi Care Free Attitude


Ive always liked him for the carefree attitude and no bullshit talks. Similar to mika but even more concentrated form. That said, I did meet people with that attitude often in finland compared to in the states.

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Re: Kimi Care Free Attitude


Kimi is the man as far as I'm concerned, even with his so-called "carefree attitude". I'm sure Kimi is as serious as serious comes whilst behind the wheel in the car. People just need to let the man do what he does Kimi is undoubtedly fast, and all the better if his personality is a good fit at the Lotus camp. I could forget about all the, dare I say it, silly PR focus most of the time, as I watch F1 primarily for the racing. Long live the Iceman.

Any of you all remember this? Gave me a good laugh. :lol:

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Re: Kimi Care Free Attitude


I like Kimi because he's different. It's nice to get a little bit of character differentiation between drivers. As long as he's not sh**ting on his team and crew and helping (which is obvious that he just wants to do well on the track), then that's ok.

I mean, he was saying he was already doing all the things he was being told and wanted to focus on the drive. If he was saying "what the hell was that, guys?" or "who's bright idea was..." that'd be really annoying...

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Re: Kimi Care Free Attitude


Anybody think he may have a public speaking phobia and a severe distrust of strangers but his passion for racing forces him to be in those very uncomfortable (for him) situations? I know the last race was in hot weather but he looked like he was sweating more when being interviewed on the podium than at any other time. That made me think he may suffer from that. There are some very gifted people in this world who totally collapse when addressing a group of people.