NOx won't be that bad if they're all running a bit rich, peaks around handful percent lean iirc and drops off fairly sharply as you move rich. Silly stuff like electric pit lane running will save about the same fuel as YOU ALONE deciding not to go for a spirited weekend drive, not even worth mentioning on a global scale. What's more important is bringing ideas like that into the consumer mind, so they would consider them important for their own use, you know, in the more than 1 billion cars in the world that aren't one of the 24 F1 cars...
Anyone who genuinely worries about the carbon footprint or emissions of F1 has no idea of what numbers actually mean IMO. F1 is orders of magnitude below say the manufacture of the worlds iPads or golf clubs or fireworks, I don't see anyone pointing out how toxic they all are for the environment and we should regulate them immediately.
If F1 technology can even contribute a fraction of a percent increase in the efficiency of new consumer cars, then it will have outweighed its own use of resources. If we really want to stop polluting the earth, the most obvious solution is don't have 7 billion of us on it, but that's a whole different can o'worms