yes. it would be really interesting to see how much power a catalyst (and a maybe soot filter) would cost power.Absolutelee wrote:I made this thread out of curiosity about how much power would actually be lost, not a sincere desire to see this happen. Does anyone have an estimate, either in bhp or %?
Imagine you could argue with road relevance and for more powerful and bigger engines if they attached catalysts or filters.
Yes I know the consumption would suffer but as we agree, the consumption of the f1 engine is irrelevant to the co2 footprint and the emissions of pollutants of the whole event anyway.
In 2014 we will have those 1.6litre engines with turbos and turbo compounding (it is coming or?), so add a catalyst ,it won't damgage the sound experience much more and it is a challenge for the teams/engine manufacaturers in terms of packiging and gives a finally a bit of road relevance. Give the engine more rpm/displacement/or turbo pressure, then we coul have 750bhp engines instead of 650bhp jokes, but with maybe the same power at the wheels due to the power loss through the exhaust treatment. Call this pointless but I 'd rather have the perception of clean powerful engines (these would not give me a sore throat presumably) with initially lots of power ,than detuned and fuel starved engines that emitt the same toxic fumes like the cars in third world smog city centres.
edit. spelling and unsterstanding