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I actually would like to see the FIA step in and pull some outrageous reinterpretation of the rules, like a few pit lane drive throughs for speeding .0001 mph over the limit, just to put Alonso and Schumacher on a more even footing for the WDC.
I know that Alonso had his Monza engine failure, but winning WDC by things like tires and engine failures is massively disappointing. Thats really a measure of constructor work, not driving. After a year of incredible driving by both drivers, and frankly an equal amount of faults and luck, I still cant say for sure who's better
Hey, if Renault/Alonso put one foot wrong, any violation of the rules in any way, then it's their own fault. They know that, and will play everyting on the safe side.
captainmorgan wrote:I know that Alonso had his Monza engine failure, but winning WDC by things like tires and engine failures is massively disappointing. Thats really a measure of constructor work, not driving. After a year of incredible driving by both drivers, and frankly an equal amount of faults and luck, I still cant say for sure who's better
Driving for driving stakes Alonso should be the winner then correct?
He has, in many races done lap after lap of amazing times (compared to his team-mate), yet any race where Schumy has really been amazing so too has Massa. It's not definitive but an indication that perhaps the car is all-important. There is no doubt about it to me, Alonso has been the better driver this year under untold more pressure than MS. After some of the rulings etc against him his ability to bounce back has been amazing.
Rob W wrote:It's not definitive but an indication that perhaps the car is all-important.
Ah, but you forgot that if Schumi wins, it's because he's good. If he doesn't, it's because the car's bad. He's just that good.
Formula 1, 57, died Thursday, Sept. 13, 2007
Born May 13, 1950, in Silverstone, United Kingdom
Will be held in the hearts of millions forever
Rest In Peace, we will not forget you
captainmorgan wrote:I know that Alonso had his Monza engine failure, but winning WDC by things like tires and engine failures is massively disappointing. Thats really a measure of constructor work, not driving. After a year of incredible driving by both drivers, and frankly an equal amount of faults and luck, I still cant say for sure who's better
Driving for driving stakes Alonso should be the winner then correct?
He has, in many races done lap after lap of amazing times (compared to his team-mate), yet any race where Schumy has really been amazing so too has Massa. It's not definitive but an indication that perhaps the car is all-important. There is no doubt about it to me, Alonso has been the better driver this year under untold more pressure than MS. After some of the rulings etc against him his ability to bounce back has been amazing.
I'll take it as a given that anyone who is MS's team-mate is there to help him get his car set up on race-weekends and isn't in the same league as MS.
Massa is a whipping boy, nothing more. If everyone was given the exact same car he would be lucky to be in the top ten in my opinion. Ditto for Reubens. Both were hires for their ability to drive consistently (great for tyre/aero testing), help get the best set-up data on race-weekends for Michael's benefit, and for doing exactly what they're told. The odd win they might accumulate in the course of their employment is their bonus from being in one of the top teams. Afterwards, they go to other teams on high-paying drives and make excuses for three years until they're 'retired'
Rob W
Last edited by Rob W on 09 Oct 2006, 08:28, edited 1 time in total.
1.If he is as good as FA than he is better than MS.
2.If he is better than MS than he should overtake him not let him pass by at speed as if pigeon has flown into his snorkel.
Massa is useless i would say. Can't compare him with Alonso. But i will add this to. Pass of MS over Massa in Suzuka was 100 time if not more, fair then the pass of Alonso over Fisicela in China when he erase 20sec. advantage in 10 laps.
I happen to think Massa is actually pretty good, the car obviously helps immesurably but Massa has out qualified & out raced Shumi all season, its just s*** he has to keep pulling over & will have to do exactly the same for Kimi.
massa only outqualified shumi three times this season as i remeber.....
I'm sure massa is way much better than Shumi, all u have to do is to look at the Chinese GP, the Hungarian GP, and Bahrain if u want, and figur it out urslf
Just for the record. I am a McLaren fan, have been ever since Mika Hakkinnen started driving for them. Among the drivers right now I'd like to see Kimi winning. So... I'll have to develop some sort of schizophrenic support system next year with Kimi driving for Ferrari. Maybe root for McLaren to win the WCC and Kimi to win the WDC. Impossible situation.
And here's another wager for you. How many of you think Massa will develop a slight technical problem if he outqualifies Schumacher (a technical problem that's just bad enough to drop him behind Michael but keep him ahead of anyone else). Thats Ferrari team orders for you. And Alonso overtaking Massa in Japan was more Alonso's driving, something the Scuderia didn't expect, atleast not to that extent.
For most Formula One drivers, if they are given the right car, and correct tiresfor any given race, they most likely will win. Michael Schunacher's great skills are that he "motivates" the team to give him just that car. Michael also has the great talent of usually turning that opportunity into a win. Having a teammate who is there purely to support Schumacher is the little bit extra to generate wins that usually be more difficult.
Who's the better driver? Well, that is the perpetual argument all fans talk about, and it usually goes down to personal choice. That opinion has to be based on the long term observation and comparison of driver when they have good cars, crappy cars, good teams, and crappy teams.
Right now, I have to say Alonso. And the expereinces he has gone through this year will make him a much better driver during his career. Like raw iron, he has been forged and tempered by the fiery blast of competing against Schumacher and his army.
On a further observation, every so often a driver comes along who immediately does very well, and gathers a lot of attention as someone new. Senna did it, so did Schumacher. They started out in uncompetitive cars, ajazed everyone,l and immediately had top teams with big money fighting for their services.
Currently, we have Kubica and Vettel, both making a name for themselves. Rosberg may be in the same category too. keep an eye on them, we may be witnessing the next great driver emerge.
manchild wrote:C spec. engine, last year's "one race-one tyre" tyres soft compound changed once (1 stopper).
If something unfortunate happens to Alonso than:
Vito Corleone wrote:If some unlucky accident should befall him, if he should get shot in the head by a police officer, or if he should hang himself in his jail cell or if he's struck by a bolt of lightning then I'm going to blame some of the people in this room. And that, I do not forgive.
I was thinking of this exact quote when I emailed friends with this, "If Massa somehow collides with Alonso in Brazil, no one in a million years will believe it wasn't planned. Anyone think it's possible?