Sawtooth-Spike Said:
Schumi's Changed
Well he didn't try to hit alonso no, but if you wanted to be REALLY over the top cynical about it you could argue that Schumi did his best to stay on the racing line through both degner curves in order to lay as much oil on the racing line which Alonso might slip on.
But like I said that would be a VERY CYNICAL thing to say.
In all seriousness now though: Great race to watch, and end of the day it kind of equals out things. We all complained about Alonso's unjust penalty at Monza and how it may have lead to an engine blow up, well now schumi's had an engine blow up too, and Alonso won the negates what happened at Monza. Now Schumi & Alonso have both had a bit of bad luck (okay a bit of VERY bad luck) so we cannot complain about Monza.
But it really isn't over untill its over.
With regards Ginancarlo Fisichella, apparently his best friend died on the Thursday before the GP weekend, he dedecated the 3rd place to his friend in the post-race press confrence, and also while he was on the podium he didn't spray his champange, and the Renault Mechanics wre shouting "Viva [Tonio]" (I think Fisi's friends name was Toni, from what I could hear...maybe I'm wrong.) but basically they where chanting "Long Live Fisi's Late Best-Friend" in Italian. Nice little sentiment eh?
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.