Dear Fanboys...

Post here all non technical related topics about Formula One. This includes race results, discussions, testing analysis etc. TV coverage and other personal questions should be in Off topic chat.
Joined: 28 Feb 2006, 21:26

Dear Fanboys...


If your hero won the World Championship: He won because he had a great car backed by a great team and a --- ton of money. He won because Fortuna favored him above all others, otherwise she would have crowned another driver king. He won because Jupiter illuminated for him a righteous path to victory while every last one of his rivals were besieged by bad luck, Romain Grosjean, and Mercedes. He won because his pit stops were swift and his strategy was mighty. He won because he alone had the magic touch to fully unleash the beast that was his magnificent crimson bovine; it bent to both the air and his will.

Rest easy, friends of Finger Boy Wonder, for your hero has won, and to the victor goes the spoils. Just know that no level of scrutiny can take away his trophy, and no defense, regardless of spirit, can make it any shinier.

If your hero did not win the World Championship: He lost the World Championship. Again, he lost the World Championship. Elusive was the key to his car's performance, too testy was his teammate's will, fickle was his flirtation with destiny. Fortuna scoffed when he called, Jupiter ignored his overture, St. Christopher was "washing his hair." He was unable to overcome obstacles like rain, pull rods, wind tunnels, and wheel nuts. He was outwitted. He squandered alternator opportunities and his own team's --- ton of money. He stood toe-to-toe with the devil, and the devil did not flinch. He was just too slow.

But, all is not lost. After his name is recorded alongside the other illustrious alternates and not-quites like Ricardo Patrese, Michele Alboreto, René Arnoux, and Didier Pironi, the ink will scarcely have time to dry before a season begins anew. Until then, just remember that what-ifs mean nothing, because they don't come with a crown.

That is all.

Joined: 23 Feb 2008, 17:55

Re: Dear Fanboys...


this topic will cause nothing more than flaming, although I understand your feeling towards it I must say th Opening post will cause nothing but flaming
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Re: Dear Fanboys...


i concur, dont like the Alonso/Ferrari combo either....

also built some distaste of Ferrari 'spirit' to F1 from this vid earlier

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Re: Dear Fanboys...


All hail King Ben!

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Re: Dear Fanboys...


bhallg2k wrote:If your hero did not win the World Championship: He lost the World Championship. Again, he lost the World Championship.
How can you tell a Fanboy? Same way you can tell a sore looser, they're the only ones using the words "if", "but", "deserved".
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Joined: 28 Feb 2006, 21:26

Re: Dear Fanboys...


There are two sides to every coin. As such, there are quite a few ungracious winners about, too. Had my preferred driver won, I'm not so sure I'd see the need to vigorously defend the result. Winning, after all, should be able to stand unassisted.
Last edited by bhall on 27 Nov 2012, 04:04, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dear Fanboys...


More importantly Ben - why care? What matters is that if your preferred guy won, he won. It doesn't matter one iota what the forum experts think - your guy still won whatever they say.

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Re: Dear Fanboys...


Well, this is about fan-boy boys. But what about fan-boy dads and even grand dads ? :)

Fans are driven by passion and passion is what makes the difference to a dull gathering of random people. In its roots it is a shared passion towards the sport. But when passion starts to dominate over logic and reason we get a distorted discussion.
Blind passion bordering with fetishism is counter productive.
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Re: Dear Fanboys...


When I readed the title I was thinking: finally someone who steps up and puts emphasis on what crap this board has gone through the last few days. However, it was highly dissapointing that the content behind that title is nothing more then the same type of comments that have been terrorising the place here.

People, please: we can complain a year long about which driver had the most luck or who had the better car or who deserved it more, it is not adding anything to these forums. Heck the name of this place says it all: f1technical! That there is some attention to the drivers and such, is fine, but when it turns into a multiple days rant, even when the moderators try to close it off, in a technical forums for gods sake, then you are missing the complete point here.

Isn't just enough we had a tense season that actually ended in such a brilliant way? Without any of the contenders doing dirty things on track? Isn't possible to say to vettel "you arent my favorite but you did drove well" and to alonso "you did your best, and you earned my respect for that"?

We are all adults here. Maybe we should start acting like ones.

Joined: 28 Feb 2006, 21:26

Re: Dear Fanboys...


(It's satire.)

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Joined: 05 Apr 2010, 17:42

Re: Dear Fanboys...


As both of the contender said : The Champion is worthy.

It's H+2 today and nothing changes.

Accept it and just enjoy the battle this season and hope next year will be even more epic.
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Re: Dear Fanboys...


THe Champion is not always the best in Formula 1.
The man, machine, team and fortune is the combination.

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Joined: 10 Mar 2012, 02:30

Re: Dear Fanboys...


Best team always wins. Best driver doesn´t always win.
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Re: Dear Fanboys...


Nando wrote:Best team always wins. Best driver doesn´t always win.
While that is true - i.e. you can put a bad driver in a good car and he could win and put a good driver in a bad car and he'll never win, it's just a far too simplistic view. F1 always has and always will be about the package, right driver, right car, right team, right time. It all has to come together perfectly to win it.

Put all the drivers in different cars and you'll see some are better than others in any given car on any given day. Alonso in the RB8 might have struggled (like Massa did this year and Webber did last year) - Vettel in the F2012 might have been quicker - a bad driver can become good by finding a better package that suits him and vice versa. It's impossible to say Driver X would of - 'if' 'but' 'should of' etc as its all irrelevant.

What's been lacking in all these discussions is objectivity, which is what I think Ben was getting at. No objectivity = Fan Boy.
“There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.”
― Socrates
Ignorance is a state of being uninformed. Ignorant describes a person in the state of being unaware
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Joined: 08 Feb 2012, 07:22

Re: Dear Fanboys...


Nando wrote:Best team always wins. Best driver doesn´t always win.
Well said good sir =D>
If someone said to me that you can have three wishes, my first would have been to get into racing, my second to be in Formula 1, my third to drive for Ferrari.

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