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I was recently thinking about what does it mean "fairplay" in F1? In other sports this term is much better defined/understood, but in F1 is not. Of course, we need to take away the attempts of all teams to bend the rules to gain advantage. The thing that got me thinking about it was the obvious help Vettel got from other team during the last two races, e.g. the TRs and Schmy letting him pass without any fight. In the same time, people were crying out when Massa let Alonso pass. But for me these are 2 very different situations - helping your teammate that fights for the WCD (and you are not) is one thing, but other team's drivers helping you is a bit unfair, isn't it? Of course going in the past there are more examples, but this one id the mosrtrecent one......
Just "a bit" unfair ? I think not. I mentioned it in the other topic also.
Shrieker wrote:I've brought this up before and I'll reiterate it:
Different teams are there to race with each other. They can own as many teams as they like, but they simply can't order other teams' drivers to pull over as if they're a team mate. It's incompetence on FIA's part that this has never been regarded as bringing the sport into disrepute.
What's even more disgusting is them(Horner, Vettel and co.) having the guts to taunt Ferrari and Alonso whenever Massa helps Fernando. Massa is his team mate and team orders are allowed in F1. At least Alonso has 1 team mate. How many does Vettel have ? Vettel has won the title - fine, but how many guys in the last race has pulled over for him ?
As much as I dislike Alonso, I don't remember anyone pulling over for him at the title finale in 2010. It's such a shame.
Education is that which allows a nation free, independent, reputable life, and function as a high society; or it condemns it to captivity and poverty.
"at all costs". Those 3 words have been the downfall for alot of companies. It is as short-sighted as it can get.
When the essence of the sport, competition, becomes ruthless and unethical, it's not F1 anymore.
Massa taking a penalty for Alonso at Austin was in the USGP thread.
His possible reduction of pace at Brazil could be discussed in the Brazilian GP thread.
Such moves are unfortunate, but not against any rules. Thanks and closed.