Driver performance science

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Re: Driver performance sustainability


There are some things you can watch for.

First of all, f1 drivers have to be hugely concerned with their nutricition. Studies found out that an average body only can transform 18-26% of the taken kcal into effective labor. To give a slight insight in this: alonso uses technogym fitness apparatus, the ones my gym also has. I know for a fact he uses the arm bicycle, a very usefull device to create the necessary stamina to keep turning a whole race long; even with powersteering that is a cumbersome task. Now, I really dont know about his resistance level and the time he does on it, but if I take mine, lvl 12 30 minutes, I have an output of more or less 275 kcal. That is about 1100-1325 kcal of nutrition you need. A f1 driver will probably consume more energie then that in the same half hour due strain on neck muscles and the high amount of focus that is needed. Now a normal man who does office labor (and not physical labor) needs roughly 2000 kcal a day. I would expect that a f1 driver on race day will need 4000 kcal for the race alone.

(More to come)

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Re: Driver performance sustainability


fantastic stuff timbo. Keep it coming.

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Re: Driver performance sustainability


raymondu999 wrote:fantastic stuff timbo. Keep it coming.
Whoa, thnx=))
But I suppose you meant turbof1 :D

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Re: Driver performance sustainability


Hahaha Well he atleast rated the correct person :p.

Mind you it also depends on the driver's style on how much energy he consumes. Alonso is more a "power-driver": he turns in agressively. He will probably be a little bit more focussed on power training then the average driver and he will probably need a higher amount of kcal.
Then you have Button. I mean it is almost a cliché: he has this smooth refined driving style. Very energy efficient. What does he do as recreation? Right: triathlons, a sport all about being energy efficient.

Mind you that high endurance sports are an excellent way to train the mental side too.

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Re: Driver performance sustainability


Ack. Yes I did mean turbof1 :P

I disagree that Alonso is now still an aggressive driver - but that's a topic for another thread. That latest point you bring up is indeed an interesting one. I wonder if Le Mans drivers are more likely to enter in triathlons, while someone with an aggressive style is more likely to go into some HIIT routine.

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Re: Driver performance sustainability


It would not be that difficult to find out. If they participated into triathlons, then most likely there will be some articles floating around the internet about it.

I also readed some posts mentioning stimulants or doping. You don't need that. You will only gain laptime with a higher stamina until a certain point. After that the only thing that will happen is that you step out of the car fresher. The amount of stamina and power needed is high, but very well within normal boundaries.

About the energy drinks: Red Bull is very, very bad to drink before a f1 race. It makes sure you burn very quickly through your reserves. Monster has a particular can named Rehab, where the energy delivered, runs more smooth and doesn't make your body burn that fast. Still I would not recommend it. Those kind of things are good when you need a high amount of energy for a short amount of time, but will leave your body exhausted if the labor is continued for a longer period of time. What you could do is use creatine, but only until a certain amount, above that no additional advantage is gained.

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Re: Driver performance sustainability


What about some Krating Daeng instead then :lol: (if you haven't tried it before - that thing is VILE!)

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Re: Driver performance sustainability


The sirup version of red bull? Never tried it; might get some these!

Anyway, it doubt it will have any benefits at all. Carefull control over the amount, kind and time of what you eat is much, much more important.

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Re: Driver performance sustainability


Red Bull et al also contain caffeine, which is a banned substance under WADA guidelines I believe. So they could potentially be DQ'd for ingesting that.
And blood doping is also against WADA rules. See Lance Armstrong and Tyler Hamilton (found with someone else's blood!!) for recent examples of that.

The problem with F1 fitness is the polar opposite problems of needing muscle, and muscle being very very heavy. That's why all the drivers do extreme endurance training to cut any muscular gains.

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Re: Driver performance sustainability


That problem has lessen somewhat; the minimum weight of the cars has gone up the last few years. That might still have an influence on the CoG but that will be only very minor

I also find it very hard to believe caffeine is a banned substance. So a cup of coffee is forbidden ?!?
Perhaps it is forbidden when more then a certain amount of it is the body?
Last edited by turbof1 on 04 Dec 2012, 19:30, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Driver performance sustainability


With 3 tenths of a SECOND being the average distance of topping Q2 and not making Q3, every small difference counts.

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Re: Driver performance sustainability


raymondu999 wrote:With 3 tenths of a SECOND being the average distance of topping Q2 and not making Q3, every small difference counts.
Don't forget the driver is already placed very low down into the chassis. I doubt 10kg more would it even make half a tenth.

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Re: Driver performance sustainability


I've said it somewhere already, but I heard the drivers drink fructose syrup (can't find the source though). I would imagine it also contains poly-saccharides to help hydration and possibly some salts.

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Re: Driver performance sustainability


I looked it up. Apparently caffeine WAS a prohibited substance until 2004. So it is legal since then.

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Re: Driver performance sustainability


turbof1 wrote:That problem has lessen somewhat; the minimum weight of the cars has gone up the last few years. That might still have an influence on the CoG but that will be only very minor

I also find it very hard to believe caffeine is a banned substance. So a cup of coffee is forbidden ?!?
Perhaps it is forbidden when more then a certain amount of it is the body?
It has the capability to enhance mental and physical performance, as well as being a diuretic. Why wouldn't it be banned in sports?