FoxHound wrote:With the count on heads, how can it be vaguely possible for Red Bull racing to have 52 staff members?
Horner had his tongue planted firmly in cheek when inisisting Red Bull comply with the RRA...of course they do...even HRT had more staff than Red Bull racing.
It is so obviously a play on the wording of the rules, that one cannot help but congratulate Red Bull on it's inception and execution.
As I mentioned a week back, we may as well hand Red Bull the title for next year and wait and see if this said ingenuity is clipped in 2014, or whether it cements Red Bulls position of dominance.
Other teams would need a couple of years and a truck load of cash to align themselves with the Red Bull model.
Also worth mentioning, suppliers are immune to the teams imposed limit of computational power, not so?
the whole time you are talking about this, you have fail to recognize the fact that RBT was established in the year of 2007 while RRA was first mooted in year 2009 and till now it is only talk and no action.
So based on the timeline, how is it possible that RBT was established with the sole purpose of exploiting the loophole of RRA? And why would any company bother to structure themselves differently when RRA is not even being enforced?
And what exactly is RRA? Can RRA actually prevent other teams and manufacturers from exploiting the RRA loophole to since every team is run differently, some have factories that employs 10s of thousand workers, while other only operate from a factory that is no bigger than half a football field.