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It's just one person's opinion, and very definitely debatable. This is a typical example of superficial journalism, where the writer just touches on the high points, sounds valid by stating the obvious (of course Alonso out-performed Fisi), and give million of people, who really know little about F1, a biased opinion.
Worthy champion? Duh, he won two, back to back.
Ciro Pabón wrote:
I admire Alonso for his valiant attitude this year. Spending over 200 millions on a car that loses a wheelnut on crucial races... well. What would you say to your car dealer if this happened on your stock car? Twice.
What I don't like is the opposite: "We are a happy family and I don't care about how many times they make a mistake". I won't qualify that attitude, but you know the word for it.
Problem is Alonso did not spend that money, in fact he gets paid to drive a car. If today's F1 is just driver thats making a difference than he can say whatever he wants. But he is the public figure head representing hundreds people behind him that makes the car tick(and all of them gets a fraction of his salary) and coming off in public criticize those letting him down. He can complain in private, where it would matter, not in public where it makes the people who works for you not hearing it from you, but reading it on Monday's paper. Hardly professional in any field, let along in F1.
You can't be serious Ciro when youself is working in this very field, and if your driver has issue with the team, you'd rather him yak to the press about it and makes the rest of you looks like fools, instead of talking to you about how to make it better?
A Mr Theodore Liasi is the writer of that list of words.
He's a Tabloid Journalist, says it all really.
Alonso has charisma & says what he feels, f*** all wrong with that in my book. Robot drivers who tow the line & give pre scripted interviews are plain boring imo no matter how many titles they have won!
I like the driving to do the talking, although some of the comments were brilliant. There was a time (still is) when every autosport had a brilliant DC quote.
Murphy's 9th Law of Technology:
Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.
RacingManiac wrote:You can't be serious Ciro when youself is working in this very field, and if your driver has issue with the team, you'd rather him yak to the press about it and makes the rest of you looks like fools, instead of talking to you about how to make it better?
Believe it or not, I agree with you. This is what I do in my work, but I am 47 and I am not risking my life on my work.
I have said the same you say when the news about his complains on the team came here and we had a thread on it. However, I once was 25 and I was not as valiant, at least not enough to drive a car on the edge for a living. Alonso could be wiser but he couldn't be braver and I admire that. I guess you can understand this. If you dislike passion (and I know you don't, I've seen your posts, I see your nick, for heaven's sake! ), there is always golf. What "takes my out of my shirt" is a reporter saying that he is a brat because of that.
Anyway, I see well your point: I can only imagine the talk Briatore and Alonso must have had. Try to see mine: I prefer to have to "catch" my children that to have to "push" them. And they are no F1 pilots.
Another little fact I read yesterday which was interesting... Alonso raced the entire season with the same chasis... when was the last time a driver managed that - winner or not?
Definitely testament to his ability to keep the thing on the track during the entire race weekend. (either that or hit the wall very softly :p)
That article is rubbish.
I wanted to write a response for each paragraph so we all see how stupid this man is, but anybody understands my English.
This guy doesn't know what F1 is about and he hasn't seen one single race.
I just want to say this:
"F*cking, F*ucking Liasi, what a f*cking idiot!"
Where are you JPM, WHERE are you!
"I've already altered the deal, pray I don't alter it any further" -Darth Vader to Lando Calrissian. The Empire Strikes Back.
"Progress is not always made by reasonable men." (McLaren Racing).
"We have optimised the lateral optical interface of the building." (Translation: "My factory has a lot of windows.") Ron Dennis.-
gosh, this journalist sure is funny, i work in the entertainment industry back here..and trust me i get my fair share of very peculiar journalist..for some odd reason they think they are god cos they can write anything in the news about you and ppl will believe..what they forget is for what they write with the pen..someone can come up to them with a gun and thier not so godly anymore are they.
anyways about his seems to me he is abit deranged and was just trying to prove a point he can slender everyone in the F1 industry..ain't cool. everyone in the industry makes mistake. Even the still faced Ron Dennis does, or the super calculated John Todt does it. So alonso did it..yes i am saying it ain't rite to come out to slander your team like that when all the while they've stuck behind you..but do we actually know that??..cos alonso did come out saying that he prefered last season more then this cos last season it was pure racing this season its got alot of politics..common even the worst primadona won't say something like that unless there were something..but who are we to know..the best of champions makes mistakes...just look at schumacher..when he was in bennoton and his early years in ferrari..he was some sort like alonso..the only difference..alonso didn't resort to using his car as a bumper car on track. and even in his super exprienced later year, dear schu does real funny mistakes (monaco 2006)..but thats just showing they are all humans..and to make mistakes, being brave about it and getting red faced afterward its just being human..however egotistical it sounds like. but better that then machines driving the car. that makes the sport exciting. if we all wanted the driver to shut up, mite as well programme the car to drive itself around..haha.
So is alonso a worthy champion, IMO, hell yeah he is, he is a back to back double world champion and he did it on pure shear pace and abbility to drive. just look at fisi in the same equipment. thats the best comparison possible. yes he had luck at certian points, but which champion dosen't. and you don't win back to back world championships just on luck and it ain't and easy thing to do.
As for this lassi dude, please retire. at least from the F1 coloumn, just because your boss asked you to write a coloumn on F1 and you did research dosen't make you understand the sport. for that matter, until the point you can learn to write and impartial article and not an article selandering everyone who your refereing to..don't write and article..your feeding more bulls*** to the already smelly world.
Everybody has an opinion and everyone is entitled to voice that opinion. Its just a shame that when a proffessional journalist has such a strong opinion he, more than anybody else, has a world stage on which to voice his opinion as if to say "I'm a journo by profession, therefore this is my opinion, which is obviously the right one."
Perosnally, I found this season to be facinating, the beginning was great as I'd wanted Alonso to win, but then the Ferrari come back had me left on the edge of my seat for months.
Comming into Brazil I still wanted Alonso to win, but either way, both of them deserved it if they won it. A real fight to the end, okay we've seen closer, but Michael didn't give up and proved why he's a 7times world champ.
Its just sad that some people have SUCH a biased opinion, and, when all is said and done, cannot give an ounce of credit where its due.
Sure Alonso is worthy of some critisism, saying publicly he felt Renault abandoned him is NOT the way to motivate the team to keep pushing. Likewise however Michael saying "Ferrari deserve the championship more than Renault" is just as stupid. Especially when comming from a man who has won his fair share of championships because of his ar's superiority (thats not to take away from the achievement of his 7 titles). To be champion, you need, three things, Speed, Reliability, and Luck. And over the course of the season Renault put those three things together more than the rest. Just like Ferrari ahve done in the past. Sure Alonso behaved like a bit of a brat, but Michael, at 37, did exactly the same as far as I'm concered by making such a childish comment.
In such a highly competitive and pressured situation both men are put in a situation where they may say things that, with hindsight, aren't the best. But that's not to take away from either man's achievements this year.
The author of that peice, as far as I can see, is just a discruntled Schumi/Ferrari fan, who is sad to see his fave drive bow out without an 8th title, and believes that because Schumi was better over the last HALF of the season, Alonso is not worthy. So what about the first half? Does that count for nothing, obviosly not to a biased fan like this.
Talking about Alonso behaving like a brat. Lets not get into another debate about the following but: Schumi's move on Hill in adelaide 94, his move on JV in Jerez 97, his complaints about DC at spa in 98, his behaviour at Monaco this year in quali. All of those were just as (if not more in some cases) as Brat-like as Alonso this year. And notice how our dear author does not classify any of them as having tainted Michael's achievements.
If Alonso's behaviour this year has tainted his achievements, then surely some of schumi's more controvercial moves have done the same to his carear. Not according to this guy lol.
As far as I;m concered, yeah, Alonso's behaviour has tainted his championship a little bit, just like Schumi's Austria 2002 and then Indy 2002 antics tainted his record equalling year of 2002. But just like Alonso this year, in 2002 Schumi CLEARLY deserved that championship.
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.
Alonso was overheard thanking his crew over the car radio as he crossed the line sending his good wishes to everyone from the top brass to the cook, but the immortal words: “I wish you all the very best for the future” must have grated the Renault team.
What he was really saying was: ‘so long suckers! You going to need all the luck in the world now that I’ve gone.’
Im just wondering whether the writer here is high? If he is, I think I might wanna try what he's smoking. Alonso was clearly crying as hesaid those words, or at least trying to hold back tears. On TV you could see his opened his visor a bit to dry his eyes with two fingers. Hopw anybody could argue that Alonso was being insincer when he said that is completely beyond me. This guy is calling Alonso a brat for what he said...far as I can see this guy's being a complete spoilt child. "Schumi didn't win whaaaaaa...time to throw all the toys out the pram".
How this guy get to write for one of the most prolific sports hubs in the US (and maybe the world) [ESPN] is utterly bewildering.
If Alonso was being insincer when he said those words to the team then it would be equally as stupid to claim that "Michael was prettending to be emotional at the press room in Monza when he equaled Senna's record (after the Marshal had ben killed by the flying wheel at the 2nd chicane).
Its stupid that a man with a chance to talk to millions, has to talk so much crap.
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.
It was really touching seeing Fernando at the end of the race clearly crying while wishing his team the best. I wonder if he's having second thought about Mclaren, I've no doubt Renault would take him back at the drop of a wheel nut if his Mclaren contract falls through.
Anyway, I think its for the best. Life would be boring if you stayed with the same team and always won, he wants to find out if he's a great driver or if its just the car, MS did this with Ferrari and struck gold, lets hope Alonso does the same.
My bets are on Kimi for next year though.
Murphy's 9th Law of Technology:
Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.
As far as any driver commenting about his team, whether direct insults or goals of the team can be ways of putting pressure on a team to deliver what the driver expects. Some people just have a better way of putting things. It's not to condone how Alonso speaks out, but his circumstance has to be considered. he's stil very young, and relatively inexperienced at this kind of game. He must also feel a certain amount of alienation from renault, considering how the lack of communication led him to signing for McLaren. There has to be a strain between Alonso and Briatore, and the rest of the team. Just look at how the relationship has developed since brazil. Briatore is already talking about the new anti-Alonso driver he is developing, and Alonso won't get an early release to test sooner with Mclaren.