F1 Broadcast Netherlands

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Joined: 24 Feb 2013, 14:07

F1 Broadcast Netherlands


Ok so I'm a long time lurker enjoying this board, lots of interesting information and photos.

Anyway, I'm kinda bummed that i'm no longer able to follow Formula 1 at the cable now.
I'm a fond follower of the BBC Formula 1 coverage, and been following ever since '91 [when i still was a kid]
Last year I was quite annoyed that I wasn't longer able to view all F1 broadcasts on BBC since the rights went to
Sky sports and BBC only aired some races.

For the remainder of races, I was oblidged to turn to the, imho, horrible dutch TV coverage, loaded with annoying
empty non-corresponding commentary and zillions of commercials. For how bad it was, I could still watch and thus
allright, take the bad with the good.

However, thanks to bernie, F1 coverage in the Netherlands has gone to the decoder since Sport1 bought the rights
to the F1 coverage and thus F1 is no longer available on dutch cable television. Though outraged, that doesn't change
the fact i'm not gonna be able to wactch it on cable [nor in the digital pack i have at the moment].
Veronica TV is only gonna air a couple of parts and some short-packed parts at best, which is uninteresting to me.

Now, sport1 is offered for 15 euros [+/- 18 USD] a MONTH packed with a decoder. Cool and all, but that's just money i can't miss, thus i'd have to go to pay-per-view option, however, still can't support that since i just have cable.

What I DO have is a HDMI cable from my laptop to my television, which I use to watch DVD's etc.

I noticed there are some links that are being used in testing.cc or something like that to view live the training sessions and testing sessions, of the Sky Sports station.

however, this is superbly low-resolution and all blocky at laptop monitor and on tele it gets even worse, I'd cry about the quality. Now I've noticed some 'download HD player', did just that, but then im just installing a desktop app that shows the exact same video quality just through an application.

I really want to watch formula 1 this year, and I'm keen to find out how to follow through internet streaming, for a low fee or for free is allright to me, but im just walking in the blind dark right now since i understand ZERO about how to get to use sky sports on my pc in an atleast acceptable resolution, not 280p low blocky junk.

ps. I can't follow german either, it's not in my cable pack.

please, help a brother out! :(

thanks in advance dear board!
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"

Joined: 23 Feb 2008, 17:55

Re: F1 Broadcast Netherlands


in streams on the internet I doubt you'll find anything better.

I'm from the Netherlands too, so yeah I'm familiar with how crap the coverage is here.

When the deal was announced with Sky I just didnt bother watching anymore, I'm not gonna pay that much a month just because some 70 year old wants to fill its pockets. <fill in this section with further rage and anger on this subject>

Anyway, I just quit watching at all, there are just better soaps out there if you're interrested :P
"Bite my shiny metal ass" - Bender

Joined: 18 Mar 2012, 23:31

Re: F1 Broadcast Netherlands


This may get me in trouble. But do the following:

1- Get google chrome
2- Get the 'Adblock' extension for chromo
3- Bookmark the following website: removed link
4- Choose a good stream from the list offered

Last edited by JimClarkFan on 25 Feb 2013, 12:51, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 24 Feb 2013, 14:07

Re: F1 Broadcast Netherlands


yeah well thanks for the link but as mentioned, It's quite horrible quality, i know it's better then nothing in a sense,
on the other hand, i feel like a bum having to watch these lousy versions because some 70yo's pockets need filling for his wife and kids.

i did come across sky GO! as an option - to watch sky through internet, even abroad uk, stupid thing is tho, you still need the sky base pack for it to work, and only can order with uk postal codes etc. #-o

uktv2c.com has a package of GBP 9.99 a month, but first of all, thats just 3 euro's short of a sport1 package here in NL [though I prefer british commentary], and it's got BBC but not sky, so that won't work either #-o

i can't stand nor will accept some media moguls rediculous actions to deny me from continueing my 22-year F1 viewing span :evil: , there must be a way outside the decoder.

Are there american TV stations that cover F1 FULLY [so the entire race, not highlights - preferably live] that I might be able to watch through internet? it's like they've taken my favourite TV time hostage and they're not gonna let go :evil: :evil: mad as hell y'all
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"

Joined: 18 Mar 2012, 23:31

Re: F1 Broadcast Netherlands


Manoah2u wrote:yeah well thanks for the link but as mentioned, It's quite horrible quality, i know it's better then nothing in a sense,
on the other hand, i feel like a bum having to watch these lousy versions because some 70yo's pockets need filling for his wife and kids.

i did come across sky GO! as an option - to watch sky through internet, even abroad uk, stupid thing is tho, you still need the sky base pack for it to work, and only can order with uk postal codes etc. #-o

uktv2c.com has a package of GBP 9.99 a month, but first of all, thats just 3 euro's short of a sport1 package here in NL [though I prefer british commentary], and it's got BBC but not sky, so that won't work either #-o

i can't stand nor will accept some media moguls rediculous actions to deny me from continueing my 22-year F1 viewing span :evil: , there must be a way outside the decoder.

Are there american TV stations that cover F1 FULLY [so the entire race, not highlights - preferably live] that I might be able to watch through internet? it's like they've taken my favourite TV time hostage and they're not gonna let go :evil: :evil: mad as hell y'all
There are multiple streams on that site, the one that you get depends on the uploader, and the quality can differ greatly. Some of the streams are really good, much higher than 280p :P but some are bad. You have hope that there is a guy capturing a good stream and then you have to do a bit of clicking to find it.

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Re: F1 Broadcast Netherlands


Is Sky in the Netherlands offering the same deal as in the UK where if you upgrade to Sky HD you get the F1 bundled in ? Cheaper in the UK that the full sky sports package (£5pm for first 6 months, £11 after).

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Joined: 06 Oct 2012, 08:45

Re: F1 Broadcast Netherlands


Is it possible for someone not from UK to have access to live onboards? I am willing to pay for it, but can it be done at all?

Joined: 24 Feb 2013, 14:07

Re: F1 Broadcast Netherlands


pocketmoon wrote:Is Sky in the Netherlands offering the same deal as in the UK where if you upgrade to Sky HD you get the F1 bundled in ? Cheaper in the UK that the full sky sports package (£5pm for first 6 months, £11 after).
actually, sky isn't offered in the Netherlands.
hence the problem of sky offering online [streaming] television, for free, but you'll have to have a sky membership to be able to get Sky Go.
All i'm offered is to 'shop' for sky through the website but that'll get me the GBP 21,95 or something pack, that includes various television channels etc. including sky sports f1. then it still asks for my uk zipcode, which, offcourse i don't have, 'coz im livin' at the Netherlands. apart from the fact it's wayyyy too expensive.

So again, how can one watch formula 1 nowadays?!! :(
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"