beelsebob wrote:Neno wrote:Mercedes only showed their pace, to see where others are, to show proggress they made. They behave as arrogant kids: "we dont have performances, but they are 3 sec faster then last year, yea rigght"

Luckly others dont have time to play with kids, real magicians dont reveal their tricks until q3 in melbourne.

How do you know Mercedes has shown their pace?
How do you know their motivation for doing so if they have?
How do you know the others haven't shown their pace?
They did, you know it, I know it, we know it, teams know it.
They needed it for their condfidence of good winter they had, to justifie all money they spend last year for mercedes board and show progress from midfield team. Maybe only Ferrari showed their pace, because of lack of updates for this test, too see how fast car in this moment is. Others big teams hiding their performances you know it i know it we know it.