mikep99 wrote:Wonder what he is thinking ???
"look at that obscene red paint", "how can they get away with such huge shut lines".
I reckon Mr R Ond Ennis is on the customer list, his name as typed formerly, to confuse the bean counters when they £1m crash lands into Ferrari's(or is that FIAT's?) bank.
Once said car is purchased it will be whisked away by private plane to Woking, via Zurich and then Paris so as to not arouse any suspicion.
Upon arrival at Woking, the LaFerrari(this name.....
) will be de constructed in clinical fashion with a fine tooth-comb as Mr Dennis looks on stroking a white cat, or possible not(Fur, it's banned at MTC).
Said deconstruction will reveal some production ploys and secrets, and McLaren can then apply this to the production of their very own LaMcLaren(oooo messy) P1.
It is also worth noting that Mr Dennis is well known to be averse to anything Red or Italian. The very real bravery of the man to confront his demons should be applauded.
I salute LaFerrari(but not it's nomenclature), and I salute Ron Dennis(even if Fur is banned at MTC.