You got a source for that? That would be sad indeed. He doesn't figure in this list of drivers who took part in practice. ... f?update=4xDama wrote:So, apparently he withdrew from the event after the first practice, in which he was about 1 second slower then Verstappen... ... ppen-wint/spadeflush wrote:You got a source for that? That would be sad indeed. He doesn't figure in this list of drivers who took part in practice. ... f?update=4xDama wrote:So, apparently he withdrew from the event after the first practice, in which he was about 1 second slower then Verstappen...
maybeOgami musashi wrote:Kartcom says that Schumacher will race at Varennes sur allier in september for the KZ world championship round in france and that he retired because he thought he was not fully prepared to be competitive (he was 0.2 sec slower than his team mate).
Its not a big gap, but its Michael so I am sure he wants to be faster before he takes part in a race.Ogami musashi wrote:Kartcom says that Schumacher will race at Varennes sur allier in september for the KZ world championship round in france and that he retired because he thought he was not fully prepared to be competitive (he was 0.2 sec slower than his team mate).