Juzh wrote:@Ciro Pabón
What's with the additude? You think just because you write "period" at the end of post it makes you automaticaly correct and everyone else wrong? Not to mention nearly everything you posted is full of rubbish. We're talking F1 here, not some 5th local racing league you seem to marshal at.
I disagree completely. It's not a 5th rate league, it's more like a 6th rate league. The oldest guy is 10 years old (and I'm not making this up).
On the other hand, kids down here agree with your opinion: they think I "seem" to marshal (and that's when I'm not running away from older "Youtube racers").
Of course everybody knows that when you write "period" at the end of a sentence you're automatically right and everybody else is wrong. I wonder why this simple trick is not as extended as it could.
You could call it "trail perioding".
Finally, my deepest condolences for reading everything I've written here. There is a reason why I don't post anymore and it's for contributing to the well being of humankind (I'm assuming you're human).
When I fall in temptation I'm quickly reminded of why it's not a good idea.
Anyway, what the heck. I already started to post, so there you go.
About the Youtube "demos", trail braking should not be confused with settling the rear end tapping at the brakes while you accelerate. That's why the only guy in the grid that trail brakes is Kobayashi and there is a reason why he doesn't have a car this year.
On the lessons about trail braking and why it
is a good idea, well, yes, I'm pointing it's hard as hell, wastes rubber and it will ruin your whole weekend if you got it wrong
once. Of course, team mechanics do not mind to work for 72 hours straight
for you to send their work to the rubbish bin in one elegant move.
It's like running with scissors. I only have one question about it: "why?"
That's why people that knows better do not use trail braking unless:
a. You race bikes
b. You race in the dirt
c. You're in a spec series
d. You're in dire need of a car length and you don't mind if you ruin the weekend
Those who claim it's a better technique because it's subtle, evidently have never, ever in their life stomped on a brake in a braking zone. Only those who have driven a car with drum brakes in the rain understand the sensation: the darn thing doesn't stop.
Dear padawans, braking while racing, in real life, it's like kicking a rock with your bare toes. Scary as hell and as subtle as Chuck Norris cutting a tomato with his hands. On top of that, that's something you're doing at 200 kph plus and on machinery you could never repay if you mess up. So, the happy comments about it are... well, not that subtle