Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true

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Re: Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true


agrred. :wink:
xDama wrote:This is all very old news and foremost a lot of speculation. I doubt we'll ever know the full story about it all, but you can be absolutely sure that there's something fishy about it all. Maybe in 30 years on some sort of autobiography we'll know more...

Ferrari is just a team that kills careers, and they almost killed Raikkonen' career. I'm happy that he returned with Lotus and is back in top-form. The only thing that bugs me to a level of insanity are the people who claim that Massa was equal or even better then Raikkonen. Massa has never been as good as Raikkonen and never ever will be.
Image “The force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded”: [Obi Wan Kenobi]

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Re: Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true


Some of you still seem a little sore. It's time to get over it.

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Re: Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true


It really is rather simple, Alonso wanted a top team and Ferrari wanted the best available driver in F1.

At the time Massa seemed a better person to retain than Raikknonen. Probably based on a combination of cost, the need to have a willing support driver for Alonso (ie Barrichello mk 2), and also performance (Raikkonon seemed to lose his mojo in 2008 while Massa shone).

To be honest I think the second factor was dominant, the idea of Alonso:Massa as the new version of Schumacher:Barrichello

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Re: Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true


richard_leeds wrote:It really is rather simple, Alonso wanted a top team and Ferrari wanted the best available driver in F1.

At the time Massa seemed a better person to retain than Raikknonen. Probably based on a combination of cost, the need to have a willing support driver for Alonso (ie Barrichello mk 2), and also performance (Raikkonon seemed to lose his mojo in 2008 while Massa shone).

To be honest I think the second factor was dominant, the idea of Alonso:Massa as the new version of Schumacher:Barrichello
i think the last one is right ... Ferrari wanted another "Dream Team" but to be honest If Schu return after Massa accident what would happen?? because he wouldn't returned just for the rest of the season

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Re: Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true


richard_leeds wrote:It really is rather simple, Alonso wanted a top team and Ferrari wanted the best available driver in F1.

At the time Massa seemed a better person to retain than Raikknonen. Probably based on a combination of cost, the need to have a willing support driver for Alonso (ie Barrichello mk 2), and also performance (Raikkonon seemed to lose his mojo in 2008 while Massa shone).

To be honest I think the second factor was dominant, the idea of Alonso:Massa as the new version of Schumacher:Barrichello
You summed up quite well...and i agree in everything.

I think that the formula 1 fan which is called "driver fan" by the meaning that he support a driver and not a car, always think that the fault was of the team and not driver that he support...that's why in this case the "Raikkonen fan" will not accept your explanation

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Re: Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true


I think it was money along with Alonso being a good fit. Kimi was and still is one of if not the best driver in F1.

Joined: 07 Oct 2012, 14:04

Re: Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true


Not one Ferrari supporter in this world would swap Fernando Alonso for Kimi Raikonnen given the choice.

Joined: 28 Feb 2006, 21:26

Re: Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true


True. And Raikkonen is easily my favorite driver, too.

Joined: 31 May 2010, 01:41

Re: Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true


Cylinder wrote:Not one Ferrari supporter in this world would swap Fernando Alonso for Kimi Raikonnen given the choice.
You are not right. Ferrari supporter love everyone who drives Ferrari in this moment, would that be Alonso, Kimi, Massa, or someone else. Right now in Ferrari drives Alonso and Massa, you should their fan because they drive for you team.
Same thing happend at least for me, i liked Kubica in Renault, i like Kimi in Lotus, before i liked even Petrov or Heidfeld in same team, because you love your team.

You are not true Ferrari supporter, you are Alonso fan, because Kimi was the one who last win championship for Ferrari, then you should be proud on him.

Joined: 07 Oct 2012, 14:04

Re: Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true


Neno wrote:
Cylinder wrote:Not one Ferrari supporter in this world would swap Fernando Alonso for Kimi Raikonnen given the choice.
You are not right. Ferrari supporter love everyone who drives Ferrari in this moment, would that be Alonso, Kimi, Massa, or someone else. Right now in Ferrari drives Alonso and Massa, you should their fan because they drive for you team.
Same thing happend at least for me, i liked Kubica in Renault, i like Kimi in Lotus, before i liked even Petrov or Heidfeld in same team, because you love your team.

You are not true Ferrari supporter, you are Alonso fan, because Kimi was the one who last win championship for Ferrari, then you should be proud on him.
I am a Tifoso through and through son.

Signing Raikonnen to replace Schumacher was one of the stupidest things we ever did. Raikonnen just isnt made for Ferrari, I am glad he is happy and better at Lotus, but the support for Raikonnen when he was a ferrari driver, both outside and inside the team is not even close to the support Fernando Alonso gets.

Exhibit A.

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Re: Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true


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Re: Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true


He obviously doesnt like Schumacher, but to be fair, schuey was about 5 times the driver kimi ever was in his prime :lol:

Joined: 31 May 2010, 01:41

Re: Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true


Cylinder you are only one who think Raikkonen was replacement for Schumacher. He was new driver in team, Schumacher retired and team needed new first driver and Kimi was option, in that time Alonso said he will NEVER drive for red team so he signed for Mclaren. Now same driver who said he will never drive for Ferrari is your everything, and guy who bring you championship is just replacement for Schumacher and poorer driver then Alonso. I cant see where your logic come from.

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Re: Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true


Neno wrote:Cylinder you are only one who think Raikkonen was replacement for Schumacher. He was new driver in team, Schumacher retired and team needed new first driver and Kimi was option, in that time Alonso said he will NEVER drive for red team so he signed for Mclaren. Now same driver who said he will never drive for Ferrari is your everything, and guy who bring you championship is just replacement for Schumacher and poorer driver then Alonso. I cant see where your logic come from.
Please the link or any type of soucre when Alonso said i will NEVER drive for Ferrari... thank you

Joined: 07 Oct 2012, 14:04

Re: Kimi Raikkonen to leave Ferrari this true


Neno wrote:Cylinder you are only one who think Raikkonen was replacement for Schumacher. He was new driver in team, Schumacher retired and team needed new first driver and Kimi was option, in that time Alonso said he will NEVER drive for red team so he signed for Mclaren. Now same driver who said he will never drive for Ferrari is your everything, and guy who bring you championship is just replacement for Schumacher and poorer driver then Alonso. I cant see where your logic come from.
If Fernando Alonso was driving the F2007 and 2008 kimi had, he would be a two time world champion at Ferrari and he certainly wouldnt be getting humbled week in week out by Massa.

Secondly, Yes, Alonso said he would never drive for us, so what. The Tifosi HATED Alonso in 06, but now he is the man, times change.

Raikonnen's title at Ferrari means nothing, im sorry but its the truth, we all know how lucky he was to get that with that in fighting at Mclaren and Massa moving over and doing a job for him in the final race of the season...I know that sounds harsh, but that season he had was NOTHING compared to the season Alonso had last year....and that's what the tifosi go for, Passion, fight...none of which raikonnen really showed at Ferrari.

When you are number 1 driver at Ferrari, you carry the brand, the team, and everyone looks to you to LEAD and DELIVER and Kimi Raikonnen didn't lead and over his time at Ferrari, he didnt really deliver either, which was obviously going to be the case as he was nothing like the Schumacher type driver ferrari was looking for.

Alonso is the closest thing alive to a prime schumacher, thats why he fits in so well.