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Well, not yet. But Max Mosley said that in the long run he sees F1 heading for smaller sized, but turbocharged engines. He mentioned 2011.
I only catched the end of an interview with him while I was channel surfing, so I don't know the whole story. Anyone heard about is? Is it just one of his ideas or has there been more talk about this?
Formula 1, 57, died Thursday, Sept. 13, 2007
Born May 13, 1950, in Silverstone, United Kingdom
Will be held in the hearts of millions forever
Rest In Peace, we will not forget you
Wow! That would be something else. BMW qualifying engines were rumored over 1400 hp 20 years ago with the 1.5 liter turbo formula. So much that the block and head compromised due to heat. Renault claimed 1300 race hp. What could modern technology do with that formula?
I don't think we'll be seeing those huge powerlevels again.
Surely they will somehow restrict it. But still, the idea sounds very good, I personally hope it comes true.
Formula 1, 57, died Thursday, Sept. 13, 2007
Born May 13, 1950, in Silverstone, United Kingdom
Will be held in the hearts of millions forever
Rest In Peace, we will not forget you
Murphy's 9th Law of Technology:
Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.
Careful readung of Principessa's News posting of the Mosley/Goschel Summit is well worth reading in exacting detail---reduced displacement engines--a projected output of 650 horsepower---turbo aspired induction. regenerative power systems contributing to suplement engine output for reacceleration--"push to pass" ect -- active suspension, streering, active chassis dynamic balancing to parallel the developements on "road cars"
--an active return of F1 to contribute to the technological improvement and "cas
tch up" to "road" cars and "road car developement status"-- a strategy that will encourage manufacturer's conversion of F1 developements and the money invested in F1 to road vehicles and their manrketing, a reduction on the monetary resourses devoted to aero developement as both M and G felt this was an extravegant waste of money without real world applications-- a "green" consideration complying with social-political trends-- a consolidation of rule and specifications at the board level of corporations. Please read Principessa's News Posting-- anyalize it -- is my interpetation biased or do you have additional insights and opinions--is the entire article concerning this new direction for F! just a marketing-propagand-manifesto ? Will it be implemented?-- is it meant to provoke discussion and debate?--what is the value of the comments of M and G on the inclusion of technical staffs and the inclusion consideration of smaller teams. I would value the Forums careful consideration and replies to all of these matters. Unfortunately I wrote this post after working 18 hours and sucumbing to 3 1/2 hours of sleep - it may seem inexact, erroneous and lacking -- thank you for your indulgence. I value any and all correction and improvements.
Well if they're going to run only 650 hp with a small turbo engine, even with 20 year old technology at 900 hp/liter, that means 720cc engines, or low boost like a Champ car. Max must be hanging out with Bill France these days, lots of hoopla and no innovation.
The regenerative aspect sounds like the Honda Insight system with all the stored power used aggressively. No real new tech there, just a different application and a new nomenclature, really.
If they really want to be at the green front of fuel effeciency and power, why not set the rules loose, say 2 litres displacement, piston engine and 180 litres fuel for the weekend. Then you'd really start to see other technologies come to the fore as the thread about rotary valves shows.
I really read nothing more than old ideas repackaged in new green boxes, smoke and mirrors is all.
Personally, I believe this is only Max paying literal "lip service" to concerns by the big manufacturers like Hondo and Toyota. They would like to see a more immediate connection between it's production cars and the F1 racers. If there is some kind of technology flow, in either direction, they could use it for marketing. But I expect the same old, same old that works. Sexy cars and drivers, the bright lights and carnival atmosphere of the big show. Round tires and round pistons, powerful engine burning hydrocarbons, and lots of drama.
NASCAR has been selling this dog and pony show for decades, and up-to-date technology isn't part of the picture. You don't sell the actual racing, it's just the showcase for the drivers (and their legions of adoring fans) the teams, and the sponsors. You put on a show and collect the gate receipts. It works, don't mess up the formula.
But Max is being politically correct, you just don't go out and admit that to most, it's just plain, irresponsible fun. Give the environmentalists some words, make like you're a responsible citizen, and talk about how you are striving to make this a better place for everyone. Every politician of every shape, age, and size has said that at one time or another.
if we are so worried about being green why not give every on ea fia spec fuel regulator then iopen up the rules i think we would see so verry fast and fuel efficent vehicles