There is a lot of difference between actually listening and just acting through a huge amount of outcry which is hampering your sales, and thus income.theblackangus wrote: EA did finally act didn't they? - Shows someone was listening. I didn't say it was quick, but it proves someone was listening and something was done. You asked for an example of someone listening, then you don't want to listen to that example... Classic =) For what its worth I haven't bought/played an EA game since 2007. Talking with my money actually worked out there didn't it?
The true test with EA is will they just fall back to their old pattern, but I digress. But there is surely 1 CEO who knows his company did listen.
If they did listen, they sure would fix the problem huh? Can you please explain to me how sacking a CEO, who has nothing to do with the games in any way, is listening to the community?
Because you arent a company. How hard is it to figure out that companies dont give a crap about your opinion. They only give a damn about how many times their crap gets sold, and with that nobody within the company cares if you liked it or not, unless it is hampering your sales.If your option doesn't matter to anyone then why are you sharing it here? Your statement seems a bit hypocritical as it IS your opinion.wesley123 wrote: The suggestion that people actually believe that their opinions matter is even worse in my eyes than the company just taking your complaint to the shredder.
Nope.Bullies tell people they don't matter, and their opinion isn't worth anything... a good person only grows from understanding others opinions and views. Companies are the same way.
Companies grow in a way that they try to make the least effort and still make sure the people buy it. And the fact that people see a free meal, or firing a person nowhere related to the problem as a fix to the problem just shows how stupid humanity actually is.
Oh and before you ask, yes I had a bad day