mx_tifosi wrote:this post is about who is YOUR favorite Formula 1 driver...
I believe humbly, in my ignorance, that this thread is about who IS the best driver. "IS" is the
present form of the verb to be.
I ask the jury to take notice that the adjective "favorite" appears on page 2 as well as the adverb "in history". (Dave made the same observation while I was writing this: I am amazed with the wisdom of this guy).
Relativism ("everything is relative") or denial ("best is equal to favorite") won't take you far. Nor writing in portuguese...
C'mon, what's wrong with enjoying the sweet moment in history in which a spaniard is the best pilot in the world (certified by FIA) for consecutive seasons? Actually, I think I am going to kill a couple of Miuras and dance a little flamenco later...
It's the first time and I am afraid, very afraid, it may be the last...
You know, between this November and next March the original question posted is EASY to answer. Next year... well, next year is next year.
Germany had their moment, Italy had theirs many times, France or England have had the best in the world, even Colombians (:lol:), for heavens sake!
me if the world seems to me "a beauty of a world", but I'm happy to proclaim that relativity goes as far as things are undecided. Yes, I know it is unfair. Perhaps next year (once Alonso has a bad season) you will convert me to the "relativity" party. Anyway, in that case I also love Brazilians, (go, Massa!).