Red Bull now the pit stop quite some margin.

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Joined: 23 Mar 2011, 15:49
Location: Cupertino, California

Re: Red Bull now the pit stop quite some margin


raymondu999 wrote:Except there was still a lollipop man manning the light. McLa e! Brought. It forward in 2012 - they had a connection to each wheel and jack somehow. See here:
McLaren don't really have a lollipop man any more, no – they have a guy who checks that the pit lane is safe. While it's safe, he holds down a button. If it's not safe, he releases the button. That button turns his light green while it's held down. When all lights are green (i.e. all the jobs are done, and the pit lane is safe) the front light on the rig turns green.

Joined: 21 Feb 2013, 14:25

Re: Red Bull now the pit stop quite some margin


I believe the wheel guns auto-reverse. So the first 'hit' undoes the nut and spins it off, and the gun then automatically changes to "on". When a certain torque is reached a switch is flicked, and the light on the lollipop goes green.

However, if a nut needs more than one attempt, the system goes wrong. I'm not sure if there is a manual over-ride.

Joined: 27 Nov 2012, 03:07

Re: Red Bull now the pit stop quite some margin


I'm not sure but I think I remember Brundle saying that each gunman is responsible for their own light via some sort of switch on the wheel gun. That makes sense to me. I guess they all have to be green in order for the driver's light to show green, so even if the "lollipop man" or the guy who's watching out for traffic accidentally sets his to green before all four wheels are on, it won't override the other lights.

Joined: 12 Mar 2013, 20:49

Re: Red Bull now the pit stop quite some margin


The most important thing in pit stops is not if you do a 2.1 or a 2.4 but even a 2.8 or 3.2 it doesn't really change too much ( you can lose or gain that time in just one corner )...for me the most important is in average how fast they are ?...and in average how mistakes they made ?...lets say for 7-8 gp. According to that Ferraris stoper are very good, but i recognise that Red Bull's guys have raise their game this year.