Prodrive F1 engine supplier

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Prodrive F1 engine supplier


I havent really heard much news about the Prodrive F1 team, but i have a specific question in mind, which customer engine will they use ? because as far as i know,Prodrive doesnt manufacture its own engines,but i could be wrong, its just something i was wondering, if someone could give me some information on that it would be really great
thank you

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I have no clue, as usual, but I hope it's Cosworth. Alot of the reliability problems were due to Williams instalation (non-flexing coolant pipes, electrical connections etc.), not really the engine itself. An all Brit team would be good to see.

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That coolant pipes... I remember on Speed, the commentators were just laying it on williams for a couple of races for not changing those pipes
Simon: Nils? You can close in now. Nils?
John McClane: [on the guard's phone] Attention! Attention! Nils is dead! I repeat, Nils is dead, ----head. So's his pal, and those four guys from the East German All-Stars, your boys at the bank? They're gonna be a little late.
Simon: [on the phone] John... in the back of the truck you're driving, there's $13 billon dollars worth in gold bullion. I wonder would a deal be out of the question?
John McClane: [on the phone] Yeah, I got a deal for you. Come out from that rock you're hiding under, and I'll drive this truck up your ass.

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Like Ted I have no clue, but it's not beyond the bounds of possibility that Cossie would be a candidate;

Prodrive have a racing programme with Aston-Martin (Ford!), and a GT programme with Ford... and stretching the connection (perhaps too far?) Ford and Cossie have quite some history... let's keep fingers crossed!

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I think that most of the clues point to a Mercedes engine and a Mclaren chassis. The team have said that they will definately be buying a chassis/engine package. Also there is a rumour surrounding Gary Paffetts' McLaren contract that it contains a gaurantee that ihe will be racing in a McLaren B team in 2008, and the only team that could possibley be is Prodrive.
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Thank you very much for the information guys, i appreciate it a lot

regarding Prodrive using Cosworth engines, i dont know if its a likely possibility, as this was their "last" year in formula 1 and they never said anything about coming back in a year or two,even though it would be a great British team-up,but who knows, ill look for some info and post back to tell what i've found

and on the mclaren engine/chassis purchase by prodrive, it might be a good idea seeing how the entire car would be of the same constuctor, and then more or less would be mclarens B team,if prodrive would enter sooner they could place hamilton in their and give him a lot more experience befor entering Mclaren-Mercedes alongside Alonso,im not so sure of the idea of putting a complete F1 rookei alongside a 2 x WDC,but then again we'll have to wait until march to see how the decision turned out

Good luck Prodrive i guess

Prodrive + Mclaren engine & chassis
Prodrive + Cosworth engine + ? chassis

Ferrari + Massa + Raikkonen = WCC ! ! ! !
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how did Ferrari get exemption for supplying engines to more than 1 customer team (i.e. rules stipulate only 2 teams , including the factory team with the same engine) ?

if the other suppliers can do the same then I doubt Cosworth are up to bat for ProDrive.

if the rules are held, then that would leave BMW and Mercedes as the only remaining ones available.
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Hondanisti wrote:how did Ferrari get exemption
The usual way, one would assume;A note to Max underneath Todt's desk. Simple , really.

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I think that most of the clues point to a Mercedes engine and a Mclaren chassis. The team have said that they will definately be buying a chassis/engine package. Also there is a rumour surrounding Gary Paffetts' McLaren contract that it contains a gaurantee that ihe will be racing in a McLaren B team in 2008, and the only team that could possibly be is Prodrive.
You are right, McLaren is in serios talks with Prodrive for a B-team and David Richards seems to be listening coz he is toying with a maximum budget of about 95m on his debut year which means he can only fight with the spyker, toro rossos and the aguris. Richards would also be needing good experienced drivers to give both good results and good feedback, which is where Dennis has reportedly offerred him the services of de la Rosa and Paffett. This will also vacate the Ron's test seats where he wants to more youngsters