Scuderia_Russ wrote:Jesus, I read on Autosport .com he was sixteen seconds off the pace after sixteen laps!

I'd put that in context though.
Consider this:
2006 Spanish GP times at Catalunya:
Saturday AM Practice Best Lap Times
Fastest Race Lap ... 756/8.html
Take Kimi's times for example in each context:
Sat AM: 1 min 16.705
Qualy : Q1 1 min. 16.613, Q2 1 min 15.422, Q3 1 min. 16.015
(22 laps fuel window with 5 min. of lapping for burn off for Q3 time)
Race: 1 min. 17.357
He's at least 1-1.3 sec/lap slower in the race (at best effort) than on a 22 laps fuel load during Q3 or Sat AM practice.
If the other cars in testing are doing 10 laps batches for short run evaluation and maybe 25 laps batches for long run evaluation while Mika is on full tanks for 79 laps long run evaluation and the hardest of the 4 compounds available for the session and he's doing race pace versus the others' shorter evaluation pace, would it not be reasonable to expect him to be 16 sec back after 16 laps (i.e. 1 sec/lap slower in race pace versus banzai pace ) ?
This has been my public "complaint" to the media from day 1 that obviously falls on deaf ears before more of us ask for better. There's a lack of context to the info provided during testing reports. If you're really a tech person ("gearhead") , you'd at least ask them to have a set of ACESSABLE (FREE) info for the dedicated , informed, non-noobella fans to see. Wouldn't you ?