johny wrote:do you have something against turbos?
I don't have anything against turbos: it's Mother Nature who seems to have something against them.
Like everything in this life (except, perhaps, happiness, love and Alonso's WDC) they have their advantages and disadvantages.
First, turbo-lag: the turbocharged engines take some time to feel the effect of the compression.
Second, the lack of power at low rpms and, hence, the lack of torque at low rpm, as the design presumibly involves a micro sized engine.
That's not very good for an urban car, to say the less.
Third, they compress the air (duhhh...) and when you do this, the air heats and you need an intercooler, which is another radiator throwing heat into the engine compartment. Of course, you can try to compensate somehow, but these are inherent features.
They have something good, of course: peak power 30-40% higher, lower fuel consumption compared with naturally aspirated engines that deliver the same torque due to the higher effiency of a smaller engine, less exhaust noise and emissions and less reduction of power on high altitudes because thinner air is easier for the turbocharger to compress.
I won't go again into explaining why the american engineering is superior

, but this defects can be partially compensated using a supercharger, that is, a mechanically driven compressor. This is what the fastest racing and most powerful cars in the world do (by "fastest racing and most powerful cars in the world" I mean dragsters, of course). Like everything on this Earth (except hapiness, love and Alonso's WDC, did I already say that?) then the advantages have to be weighed against the disadvantages...