Regazzoni dead

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Spyker MF1
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Regazzoni dead


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Just saw that myself :(

He gave Williams their first win - for that 8)

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Spyker MF1
Joined: 04 Oct 2006, 20:49


Unfortunattly I wasn't born when he was racing but always sad to here off a drivers death :cry:
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A terrible shame, a grand prix legend in a time when only the very best of the best could succeed.

Condolences to his family.
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I want to remember him with the words from Enzo Ferrari in his book “Piloti che gente”.
Enzo Ferrari wrote: Viveur, danseur, calciatore, tennista e, a tempo perso, pilota : così ho definito Clay Regazzoni, il brillante, intramontabile Clay, ospite d’onore ideale per le più disparate manifestazioni alla moda, grande risorsa dei rotocalchi femminili.
Lo contattai fin dal 1969, quando era ancora Gian Claudio Regazzoni e i giornali gli storpiavano il cognome in Ragazzoni.
L’anno dopo vinse un memorabile Gran Premio d’Italia a Monza.
Poi si affinò, come stile e temperamento, che era fra i più audaci, fino a diventare un ottimo professionista. Gli avversari lo hanno sempre rispettato.
Nel 1971 mi trovai fianco a fianco con lui davanti al monumento di Nuvolari a Mantova, quando gli fu attribuito il premio per il miglior pilota dell’anno. Ricordo, fra i commossi pensieri di quella giornata, di non aver considerato irriverente l’accostamento.
Enzo Ferrari wrote: Viveur, danseur, football player, tennis player and in the spare time, driver : that’s how I defined Clay Regazzoni, the brilliant, ever popular, Clay, ideal main guest for the trendy events, resource for women’s magazines.
I contacted him since 1969, when he was still Gian Claudio Regazzoni and the newspapers were altering his name in Ragazzoni.
The following year he won a memorable Italian Grand Prix in Monza.
Then he improved, in style and attitude, that was amongst the most daring, until he became an excellent professional. The opponents always respected him.
In 1971 I was with him in front of the monument to Nuvolari in Mantova, when he received the award as best driver of the year. I remember, amongst the heartfelt thoughts of that day, that I didn’t consider the association irreverent.
Ciao Clay.

[img::] ... i/1976.jpg[/img]

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A respected driver of Williams, gave them their first win. He is the only driver I respect more than Mika Hakkinen.

Adios Clay. :(
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I remember him being mentioned in conversations of adult f1 fans when I was a kid. He was highly respected and very popular. Rest in peace Regazzoni.

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31


I remember well how close he was to the championship against Fittipaldi in the early 70's (I was 15 or something, finishing high school... :)).

It's funny how 2007 can be compared with that year: the old dominator, Jackie Stewart, had retired and the young promess, Cevert, had died. Of course, it is hard to compare Stewart and his long hair with Schumacher, but, hey, both retired at their peaks after breaking all records... ;) It was an open championship, with Lauda, the "cold newcomer" competing against the "italian" Regazzoni in the Ferraris (you have to think of Massa and Raikonnen) and both fighting the McLaren of Fittipaldi (Alonso? ;)), with Jody Scheckter "interspersed" in a Tyrell.

Fittipaldi, who, I have to confess, I was following with all my young heart, won in a terrible race at Long Beach where a german driver (can't remember his name, sorry :oops:) was killed. Regazzoni had an accident before the race and some other drivers were injured in practice, but there were several drivers with a chance for the WDC and he drove with a bruised leg on a replacement car that did not work. These pilots offered their bodies and souls to racing and, sometimes, the consequences in those days were terrible: let's not forget them, nor forget what the current drivers put in the balance at every race.

He was an example for my brother, who is disabled. He was the first driver to get a racing license being disabled, and he wrote "E questioni di cuore" ("It's a matter of heart", or "Es cuestión de corazón" in spanish), a book we read many years ago. He directed a racing school for disabled people and the Club "Clay Regazzoni Onlus". If I read correctly the news, he was dead or perhaps, fade away before he crashed. I wish to think the drove straight into heaven. Ci mancherai, Gian Claudio.


Joined: 07 Oct 2006, 20:53
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Clay Regazzoni at Brands Hatch


[IMG::] ... pQI_th.jpg[/img]

My brother and I were novices at photography, and back then it was easier to get close, even sneeking into the pits; we just tried looking the part.

I do remember Clay was a very exciting driver!
Another photo taken I think at Race of Champions 1977, Silverstone.
[IMG::] ... mWm_th.jpg[/img]

Whoops! a bit small. If you'd like to see some (larger images) great F1 up close photos from the time period, go to the following URL
[IMG::] ... RtI_th.jpg[/img]

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54


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