wait, what ? people are bashing on Schumacher ? this cant be, it has never happened before, screw that BBC reporter and all his anti-Schumacher-Ferrari comments and articles, he's gone now, stop b*tch*ng about Monaco and Jerez, we all know he commited some pretty foul errors, but so be it,as a race car driver it happens, and i agree with his win at all cost mentality, i dont see anything wrong with it, as nothing "grave" ever happened to any of his competitors, he should be remembered as a legend in Formula 1 and the great person he is,he's not a drunk like Raikkonen,mediocre like Villesneueve,second fiddle like Barrichelo,nothing against them, but just a few examples for you guys
Scuderia Ferrari-Schumacher fan, even though schumi isnt racing anymore,oh well, i still got Ferrari to root for
2007 WCC - Ferrari
2007 WDC - Raikkonen or Massa (not sure who yet)