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basnetsujan95 wrote:It has extremely long chains. The longer the chain, the stronger the backbone of the polymer and the stronger the polymer the tougher the material. Therefore UHMW is a tough material.
polyethylene is indeed a strong material and used for ballistic fabrics .
It is traded under the nam Dyneema and is quite impressive when it comes to avoiding intrusion ...Dyneema is also used for ropes as it is nearly imossible to rip apart and does not suffer to the elements .
one enemy is heat as it is a thermoplastic...
maybe the heat thing is the reason why in Formula 1 Zylon and not Dyneema is used for thethers a nd anti intrusion panels -ut I´m not sure...maybe some of the specialists can shed light on this.
My local restaurant supply place sells uhmw-poly cutting boards, which are a lot heavier and harder than the stuff made for home use. They're expensive, and far too big for me, so I've never bought one.