marcush. wrote:Bribery with officials is a severe case in germany ,question is -was Gribkovski an official or wa he just employed by the bank -which is or was at least partly in possession of bavaria ...
I think it was already made clear that Griebkowski for legal purposes was a public official. The Bayrische Landesbank was owned by the state of Bavaria and the officers of the bank - of which Griebkowski was one - are all regarded as public officials by the law.
The last I have heard about the case is that there is a delay now because the files have to be translated from German to English. That will take a while. When you serve someone with an indictment the time allowances must consider that you give the other party all the information and time needed to make a fair defence. So a fair trial for Bernie will involve time for his defence team to study the Griebkowski trial papers, translate them to English and advise Ecclestone what to do about it. It looks to me that they make moves to be ready for an arrest - if one makes sense - in time for the German GP. That is not such a long time to wait for.
I'm actually a bit curious whether Bernie will bother at all to come to Germany for the race. It is easier to arrest him if he shows up. We will know soon enough.