Hi there, I am working on a big project to build a solar electric car but I do not know where to begin with between aerodynamic and chassis design; and which Autodesk software to use.
1. Should I build a monocoque chassis and run through the aerodynamic or should I use Mudbox to sculpt a body and run through the CFD; followed by slicing it into half and build on the internal geometry?
2. I know that I would need to use Autodesk Inventor and Simulation but which discipline for Simulation do I use as there is a mechanical, multiphysic, CFD.
3. Do I need Alias and Mudbox (for modelling aerodynamic if aerodynamic design comes first)
4. How can I model a nomex honeycomb core with carbon fiber/kelvar layers with Inventor? As they do not have the material selection in 2013 for the core.
5. I know that the student license cannot be used on commercial version. But to what extent? As I would like to show the companies of our work to get them sponsor, etc.
Your advice will be appreciated. Thank you.
Note: There are uncertainties of the size of other components such as engine, electronics, etc.